The Sleepover

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"Hey", It was Sasuke. 

"HEY!" Naruto yelled and the hell began.


"Okay, okay do you guys know how to do the teleportation jutsu? I asked getting annoyed of their behaviour. 

"Nope." Of course Naruto didn't know. 

"Hn", Sasuke said while doing handsigns and teleported him and I to my house leaving Naruto there. 

"You're such a jerk," I said while I playfully punched him on the arm. 

"He was getting annoying." 

"Ya hungry?"

"No" But his stomach thought otherwise. 

I stood up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. 

"No, no, no, no, no you have to rest!" He said while picking me up. I felt a little blush coming, but I took over and made it go back. 

"Where's your room?" He asked.

"What are you going to do rape me?" I said trying to fight the laughter because he was really red. 

"You're annoying did you know that." He said while going through each room. I had 3. He finally found it and put me on my bed. 

"Goodnight." He said while tucking me in. He was acting strange.... 

"Sasuke why are you acting so strange today?" I asked.

"I um I.."

"You um you.. what?"

"I um-


"Bye!" He said and teleporting somewhere else. 

 "SASU- Oh hey Akina, what did Sasuke do to you! He said.

"Oh he left don't worry. "

"Wow that jerk is just going to leave you like that, huh."

"No, don't worry I told him he could leave."

"Do I have to leave?" He asked with puppy dog eyes. 

"Nah, but you can go make me food." I said with a smirk.



"Please don't use your Managan again. It was really kinda stupid to use it just for bells ya know. It drains all your chakra and you know what happens when you have zero chakra." He said sitting down on my bed. 

"Aww you care about me!" I said while glomping him. 

"Of course I do, we're best friends." He said with his famous smile which made me smile. 

"Okay well help me get the house ready for the sleepover." I said while getting off my bed. 

"Hey! You have to rest!"

"I heal quickly because of the Managan. Remember?" 

"Oh yea I forgot!"


We spent the day cleaning the other two rooms. Making brownies and cookies, well I made them he ate them.

"Stop Naruto! Don't eat them!" "Okay, here. I gave him money so he could go to the market to get some candy and pizza. 


3rd person POV

"Got it!" And he left. Akina finished remaking and replacing the brownies that he ate. It was like 6:30 and there was a knock on the door.  "Come in!"

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