Can We Do This?

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We can do this. Right?!?! Oh great I'm not just doubting myself, I'm doubting my team. Oh no. Well let's try to be positive. 

 Um, Duck's ass is good in combat. Sakura is kinda intelligent. Naruto, well we need his motivation and he's better than Sakura in combat. But duck's ass and Naruto are going to try and find Kiba and kill him. Naruto and Sasuke are going to be pretty much glaring at each other and fighting. Sakura is going to be glaring at me and molesting Sasuke. Sasuke is going to try to get Sakura off of him. Naruto is going to be going after Sakura, while she runs away from him. Naruto is also, going to be trying to lead this team, but honestly the people most capable of leading this team is either Ducks ass or me. Sasuke is going to be calling my best friend a baka. Wow, I do love my team and all (something I could never say to them out loud), but can we really do this? Well, there is no going back because we are currently in trying to get through two jounin.  

Sasuke was talking about how Sakura noticed it, the genjutsu,  before all of us, which was not true. I noticed it before anyone here. Well anyways, Sasuke was about to kick someone, but a guy in green spandex blocked his blow. Wow, he looks strong. But his eyebrows. There so bushy. I bet if we shaved them of we could make a tiny sweater for like a dog or something. Not like I would let a dog be humiliated, but whatever. But anyways, behind him there was a girl with 2 buns, and a Hyuga. I guess Sasuke was interested with the little green goblin. 

Then the little green goblin looked at me. I just smiled. "I am the leaf's handsome devil! Rock Lee! Will you do the honors of being my girl friend?!?" He said, and smiled. His teeth is literally blinding me. Since I'm nice I'm going to bring him down gently. But before I had the chance to respond my best friend decided to respond for me. "No way Akina is going to go out with a weirdo like you! Look at your eyebrows!!! There so bushy!!" He yelled at him. Aww, now I feel bad. Lee pouted slightly, but smiled again. "I will protect you Akina! But will you be my girl friend?" He asked Sakura. "NO WAY IN HELL I WILL!!" and she slapped him. "Wow your slap was full of youth!" Omg, I just sweat dropped. This guy, he's weird. I like him. We finally got inside and then Naruto made the speech and blah blah blah. After he was done with his speech I just said, "BELIEVE IT!" My rest of the team just sweat dropped.  

A guy with glasses named Kabuto approached us and gave us little tips. He offered us to see one of his chakra cards.  Sasuke was very interested in Lee, and Gaara. After getting the information he wanted, a sound ninja made kabuto's glasses break, his ears bleed, and made him throw up. I was about to pumble that guy, but a scary looking guy stopped me before I even took a step close to him. "Fighting without permission is not allowed!" I think he said I wasn't listening. We went to a room and sat down. I was next to 2 random people.

 I saw Sasuke a few rows in front of me. Naruto a row behind me and Sakura across the room. Good. We were handed text. A written test. Easy as a piece of a brownie covered in chocolate syrup and sprinkles, plus caramel sauce. I like brownies better than cakes. But whatever. But how will Naruto do? Omg. Oh my lord. I wasn't listening to the scary guy again. All I heard was that he was going to give us the 10 question in a few hours.  I finished the test in the first 7 minutes. I searched around and saw Naruto struggling and Sakura staring at Sasuke. Sasuke was still finishing. 


 (A few moment later)

 "Okay I will give you the 10 question now. But you have a choice to do it or not." The scary looking guy said. "What's the catch!" I yelled at him. He glared at me, but I honestly didn't care. I just kept my face emotionless. "You have a choice to answer this question, but if you choose to answer it, and you get it wrong then you and your team are disqualified from the Chunin Exams. You will not be able to retake it next year. If you don't want to answer this question raise your hand and you and your team will be disqualified." I mentally laughed. He's just trying to scare us. I just stayed and watched people as they raised their hands. Baka's. I saw Naruto raise his hand, oh no. But then he slammed it against the table. He said a nice speech and made the rest decided to stay too. In the end, there was no 10th question. The scary looking guy was interrupted by a women who went through the window. I wasn't listening either. 

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