Land Of Waves, 2

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I woke up in a pair of arms. Wait, what? I looked to who they belonged to and. WAIT! WTF! "SASUKE! I yelled while I pushed him off the bed.

"Ow, what was that for?" He said while getting up. "You know what!" I yelled at him while a little blush came across my face. "Hn." He said going to the bathroom to change. Oh how I hate that cocky duck's ass. He might be part duck. I don't know. He came out of the bathroom and I went after him to change. I opened the door to go down stairs and saw Naruto sleeping with his pillow and blanket. A little bit of guilt was coming, so I decided to wake him up.

"Naruto." I said while poking him on his side. "Naruto wake up." I spent like 3 minutes trying to wake him up, so I was getting a bit impatient. "NARUTO! THE RAMEN! SASUKE IS EATING IT ALL!" I yelled in his ear.

"WHAT! NO!" He said while he jumped up seeing me dying of laughter on the floor. "You should have seen your face!" I said. "Anyways, Naruto. I'm sorry. Come one let's go check on Kakashi sensei." I said while dragging him. We entered Kakashi sensei's room and he was there lying in bed awake. Sakura, Sasuke, and Tazuna were there too. "Oh, I see you guys finally decided to come." He said half sarcastically and half serious.

"Oh sorry, we got lost on a road called life." I said while I rolled my eyes. Naruto started laughing. "Anyways, I think Zabuza-" Is still alive?" Yea I know." I said calmly. Naruto, Sakura, and Tazuna stared at me wide eyed. We started to explain why we thought he was still alive. "After breakfast we are going to train, so hurry up." He said.

Tazuna's grandson, Inari, was telling us how we are going to die and ran off. Naruto went after him.


After breakfast we went to the tree's Kakashi sensei told us to go to. He started to explain why we climbing tree's will help us fight Zabuza. He threw some kunai at us and I, as amazing I am, ran up the tree all the way to the top on the first try. "How did you do that!" Naruto called out. "Magic!" I yelled while I held up jazz hands. "Hey this is fun!" Sakura said on her tree.

"Looks like the girls have better chakra control. I think they have a better chance of becoming Hokage." Kakashi sensei said.

"Nah I'm good! I'm pretty sure Naruto will be a better Hokage!"I yelled.

"Ha! That's really funny!" Sakura called. "Sasuke will become Hokage. Right?" "Hn"

"Naruto has just as a good chance than Sasuke. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, because I do!' I said while I put up a thumbs up at Naruto. He gave me his toothy grin like always.

"Stop flirting Akina!" Sakura called.

"At least I don't molest!" I yelled at her. Naruto was laughing while Sasuke was smirking. Sakura was just blushing like crazy.

"I'm going home." She yelled as she got off. I just laughed. I got off my tree to see how Naruto was doing. 'Akina, can you give me some tips?" Naruto asked. "Sure, just focus your chakra on the soles of your feet, and you'll get the hang of it." I said while I gave him a thumbs up. "Thanks." "No problem." I looked towards Sasuke and he was awful. He was putting too much chakra. "I can give you a tip if you want?" I offered. "Hn." "Fine duck ass, fail!" I yelled at him and went to my tree. I needed to keep an eye on Naruto because, I honestly don't know what he would do if Sasuke beats him.

"Naruto, It's getting late. I'm going to Tazuna's house to help set up dinner." I said. He was too busy to respond.


Naruto and Sasuke were eating like 20 bowls in like 1 minute. "You guys slow down!" I yelled at them. "I have to eat!" Sasuke yelled. "I have to eat more than him!" Naruto yelled with his mouthful and they both threw up. "Ewww! Gross!!!" I yelled at them. "Don't eat if you're just going to throw it up!" I finally agreed with Sakura on this.

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