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Okay, so I have come with a writer's block and I'm stuck. I have some ideas, but those will cause the book to end. I wanted to make this book longer, but again I'm stuck. Please, if you have any ideas tell me them and I'll give you credit. I might not update this book for a while because of school, but I try. I will update, but probably each week or so. If I can't come up with anything then the book is going to unfortunately end. I'm sorry again, but it's going to take me some time. Also for like the 3rd time, any ideas?!?!? But anyways if I don't come up with anything then I'm going to go with my plan and end it with another chapter. So hopefully I can think on the weekend or something. Thanks for all the support, I like writing because my life is very stressful. I have to admit my life sucks bad, so I write to escape into my little world for a while. Knowing you guys like it makes me feel that my life not might be that bad. Thank you with lots of love,


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