I Want To Go Home

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It's been a whole year. A whole year stuck with Orochimaru and Sasuke. We would change hideouts occasionally for our 'safety', but I don't get it. How unsafe can it get when your stuck with a pedofile? I don't know. I have been waiting for Naruto to find me. I can't leave on my own because Orochimaru put something on me, so that if I go out the hideout, it will shock and steal all my chakra. Trust me, I tried escaping for the first few months, but it hurt like a buttwhole. 

Sasuke has gone colder than ever, and yes I still hate him. He says he loves me and everything, but doesn't he see how unhappy I am here? I would have celebrated Naruto's 14th birthday! But nooo!!! I have to be stuck with duck's ass, a pedofile, and a person who is in denial. By that I mean Kabuto. He loves Orochimaru! But he won't admit it. I bet he goes to his room every night.......

I shuddered at the thought. I was currently in my room. Today is October 10th. Naruto's birthday. I felt a tear fall. I quickly wiped it. I have to admit staying here has changed me, but not as much as Sasuke. I'm emotionless towards them. I don't smile, laugh, or cry with them. I have become stronger, but I don't care. I just want to go home. With my family. With Naruto..... I felt more tears. 

I again wiped them away. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my headband. It didn't have a line through it like Sasuke's. Mine was in a good condition. I kept it safe all this time. I looked at my wrist. Next to the metal thing that kept me from leaving was my friendship bracelet. 


"Oi! Naruto! Happy birthday!" Little me said as I tackled Naruto to the ground. He groaned and I laughed. I gave him a little box with a little red bow. His eye's widen and started to tear up. I smiled and gave him a quick hug. "What's wrong?" I asked him looking at his eyes. "It's just that nobody has given me any gift." He said sadly. I furrowed my eyebrows together and hit the back of his head. 

"Naruto, you have me now. I'm your best friend! I'm your family now! Okay? Now open it, it took me a long time to make them, but it was worth it!" I said with a thumbs up. He slowly opened the little box. His eyes widen as he smiled. He took out the bracelet.  It was string tied together with some beads. His bracelet had an A, I had an N. 

"See Naruto, your has an A for Akina. Mine has a N for Naruto. We are going to wear these everyday. If we ever take them off, then that means were not friends anymore. Now put it on!" I yelled at him showing my bracelet. He looked at me in the eyes. He started to cry. I smiled and hugged him. 

"Thank you, Akina." He said softly. I smiled again. "Come on Naruto, let's go get some ramen!" I said pulling his wrist to the ramen shop. I looked at his right hand. The bracelet was there. 

-End of Flashback-

I looked at my right hand and the bracelet was still there. I felt more hot tears drip down. I wiped them as a knock was at my door. I opened it expecting Sasuke, but no. It was Itachi......

My eyes widen. I stood there in fear. I realized I was looking at him straight in the eyes, I tried to look away, but it was too late. 


I groaned as I woke up. I looked around. I wasn't in my room anymore. I looked at me hand, the metal was gone! So I can finally leave. Wait, if it's gone and last thing I remember was Itachi. Oh. My. God. 

"WAIT TO GO AKINA! YOU GOT KIDNAPPED AGAIN!!??!" I yelled at myself in frustration. "Will you shut up?" I heard a dark voice say. I looked around again and saw a blue shark man. I smiled. For some reason I felt safe with him. Wait? Is that weird? Feeling safe with a complete stranger. I sighed. He got up from where he was laying. 

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