Is This The End?

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It's been 2 years since I have been here. 2 years ago I was kidnapped from Konoha. So far no search parties have been sent. I was trusted enough to walk without the bracelet. I was currently in my room trying to sleep, but I can't. I can't stop thinking about Naruto. My heart ached when ever I even thought of him. I looked at the bracelet we made years ago. I felt my lips form a smile. I took my Konoha headband and put it around my waist.

I made a bet with Orochimaru that if I won Kabuto in a fight I could wear it. Which I did. I missed Konoha so much. I'm still a ninja from there! That's why I still wear my headband. It didn't have a line through it like Sasuke's. Mine was in perfect condition. Thinking about Sasuke, he has been distant lately. Probably because I told him I didn't like him the way her like me. he would steal kisses from me here and there. I was cut off from my own thought when I heard an explosion.

I out on my sandals and ran out. I saw Sasuke standing on a rock looking all cool and mighty. I felt other chakra's. I looked around and saw a guy who looked a bit like Sasuke. I choice to leave it to duck's ass. I went and stood next to him. "OI! Duck ass! Next time don't destroy half of the hide out." I rolled my eyes. I saw him staring at the guy intensely. I sighed and turned his way.

He had a Konoha headband. My eye's widen. I froze, is here to bring me back? "Are you stupid? Go away! He's going to kill you!" I yelled as I got a glare from the Uchiha.

"SAI!" I heard and someone punched him. He flew across the room. I stared intensely at the girl. Pink hair? Is that Sakura? i was way beyond shocked. She started to yell at the guy, but I wasn't listening. If that was Sakura she changed a lot. She's finally useful. Wait, but why is she here? Sasuke could kill her! She turned around to face us.

"Sa..Sasuke? A...Akina?" She stuttered. "Sakura." Sasuke said coolly. I couldn't move. Suddenly a guy with brown hair came. He glared at us, but then he seemed shocked when he saw me. He was staring at my headband.

I felt an immense chakra coming. Could it be?

"What the hell Sai!" Came in a tall good looking blond. I saw his wrist. It had the bracelet. I was shaking. He turned around and saw us. "Naruto." Sasuke said again coolly. Stop with the act! Naruto still didn't notice me. He was busy glaring at Sasuke. I didn't know what came over me, but I ran to Naruto.

I saw the brown haired man ready to do a jutsu, and the one with black hair named Sai, took out a scroll. I didn't care.

I was too fast in about 2 seconds I was infront of Naruto. I didn't wait for him to look at me. I threw my hands around his neck hugging him. He seemed tense. I pulled back realizing he probably doesn't remember me. I stood there infront of him.

I felt my eyes start to burn. I looked at him in the eye. i brought my wrist so he could see my bracelet. He looked at it and his eye's widen.

"AKINA!" He picked me up and twirled me around. I kept on crying. I didn't think they would come get me. He set me down. "Na..Naruto. I did..n't think you would come." I sobbed. He looked hurt.

"Why in the world would I not? I first had to become stronger." He winked at me. I stood infront of him. I looked at him in awe. "You're taller than me?" I whispered. he nodded enthusiastically. I looked over to Sakura and she was staring at me. I walked to her. I frowned at her. She looked surprised.

"You didn't hurt my best friend, did you billboard brow?" I said with a smirk. She snapped out her trance. I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped on her. "SAKURA! YOU'RE FINALLY USEFUL!" I yelled in her ear. I hugged her really tight and she did the same. "I missed you too Akina." She said with a small smile. Oh I forgot of Sasuke.

"Since you too are here, I suppose Kakashi is here as well?" He said emotionless. I stood up straight. I was going to walk over to Sasuke, but Naruto held my wrist. Ugh, why do guys have to hold my wrist?!?!

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