Attack On Konoha

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After waking up from the incident Kakashi sensei did, Naruto found Jiraiya to help him train One of the legendary Sannin. Sasuke was training under Kakashi -Sensei, the Copy Cat Ninja! Who do I have? No one I guess. So that's why I'm going to go find my long time best friend, Tsunade. Also one of the Legendary Sannin. She was more like an aunt to me actually. She was very good friends with my mom and, so she treated me like a sister of hers. Even though she was far older than me. 

I know exactly where to find her. It's not far from here. I can be there in a day or two, but I have to hope she would agree to train me because I need all the help I need. They say my opponent is very strong. (I'm making up a character here) But I know I can do this. I sighed as I got my bag packed some things and went to go tell my team were I'm going just in case. I already told the Hokage and he just told good luck, because I heard he was her Sensei. 

I went to find Naruto. First place I checked was Ichiraku Ramen, but surprisingly he wasn't there. I went to his apartment he wasn't there also, but I saw Sakura walking down the road. I smiled. "Hey, Sakura!" I yelled as I waved my hand in the air. She looked at me and smiled and came towards me. "Hey, what's up?" She asked me. "I'm going to go find an old friend, so she could train me for the month. I just wanted you guys to know where I was just in case." She just nodded. "Where's Naruto?" I asked her. She sighed. "He was peeping in the girls locker room with a white haired guy." She said and I immediately thought of Jiraiya. "Okay thanks. I'll see you in a month!" I yelled as I ran to find the two baka's. 

5 minutes of searching I saw Jiraiya watching Naruto fail at walking on water. I just sighed. I guess Jiraiya noticed me there and he gave me a toothy grin. I just looked at him in an annoyed manner. I went to Naruto who was all wet. I stood on water and helped him up. He looked at me shocked. "Wow! Mei! You never told me you could do that!" He yelled at me pointing to my feet. "You never asked. But anyways, I'm going to go somewhere else to train. I just wanted you to know that." He looked at me with sad eyes. "So you're going to miss the festival?" He asked now in confusion. "Oh crap! I forgot! Shit! I gotta go tell Kiba. I can't find Sasuke anywhere, so can you tell him?" I basked him. He just nodded. I went to find Kiba which was easy he was at the training grounds. 

"Kiba!" I yelled out his name. He looked at me and smirked and he came this way. "Yeah?" 

"Um, I'm really sorry, but I have to train somewhere else for the month, so I can't go to the festival." I said sadly looking at the ground. "It's alright, I understand. Since you can't go than I guess you owe me a date?" he asked with a smirk. I just blushed. "Sure, but I have to go now! See you later!" I yelled now walking to the gate of Konoha. I waved at Kotetsu and Izumo and began my journey. I hope she gave up her addiction to gambling and alcohol.  


I finally got to the village and I could sense her chakra, so I guess she's here. I started to follow her chakra and found myself in a bar. There was a sign that said "No children allowed." and I did a transformation jutsu. I made myself appear older, and I got stares from the creepy old men. I just glared at them. I went to the back to see Shizune and Tonton yelling at someone. I sighed Tsunade is probably drinking too much. I headed to them. "So Tsunade, still have a drinking problem?" I aksed them in a bored tone and sat next to them. 

They looked at me in confusion. I guess she's to drunk to recognize my chakra. "Akina, what are you doing here?" Oh nevermind. "I passed the second exam of the Chunin Exams, I need to train for a month. No one better to train me than you, Nee-san?" I looked at her hopefully. "Just because you call me that doesn't mean I'll help you." She said coldly. "Aww, why not?" I winned. 

"Why do you want me to train you so badly?" She asked me. I undid my jutsu so she could see the mark. Her eye's widen, but went back to normal. "Sasuke got bit to, but I don't understand. We got bit by a girl during our 2nd chunin exams. Sensei says he has it under control, but I'm not to sure about that. I want to train, so I have it under control. Also, the 3rd chunin exams, I'm fighting a powerful person. I want to defeat them!" I said with my fist in the air. She just sighed. "You can't have the curse mark under control, but I'll help you." She said while getting out of the bar with Shizune. I followed them. We went into a forest. "Training starts now!" She said getting into battle stance. "Crap." I said also getting into a stance. She showed no mercy.

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