This Close! This Close!!

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It's been a few months since I've been here in the akatsuki hideout. Every day I'm either with Pein, Konan, or Kisame. Pein is always really nice and for some reason he doesn't let me alone with Tobi. I mean Tobi is hilarious! How can he be an S-rank criminal? 

Anyways, I see Konan as an older sister and Pein as an older brother. Is that wrong for me to say? I mean I've been kidnapped by S class criminals, so I have to look at the bright side. It's not that bad living here. I would make the food and clean because Pein doesn't want me going on missions. 

I try to avoid Itachi which is really easy. If he's in the room Konan does tells me to go somewhere else or she drags me to her room. We talk a lot. She's very nice. Itachi acts like I'm not there, but when I have to courage to look at him in the eye, all I see is sadness and pity. I try not to think much about it. 

As for the rest of the members, there cool. I mean if you don't do anything to them there pretty nice for dangerous criminals. But my favorite time of day is when Deidara tries to flirt with Sasori. Yeah it's pretty obvious that they like each other, but Sasori is in denial. Well I mean Deidara is 19 and Sasori is 35. I guess age doesn't matter. 

Okay back to reality, I'm currently training with Konan. She helps me find my weaknesses and makes me stronger!   She looks distracted though. I stopped. "Konan Neesan, are you alright?" When I said neesan she gave me a smile. She walked to me. "Akina, are you happy here?" She asked me in a serious tone. I was shocked by the question. Am I happy here? I mean I love Konan and Nagato, but is that a good reason to stay? I bet over there in Konoha there worried sick. 

I shrugged. "I want to go home with my friends and family, but I don't want to leave you and Nagato. Yet again, I would love to not be with a criminal organization." I said boldly. Her look softened. 

"Well I guess it's time for you to go home." She smiled, but I could see she was sad. I smiled. "I can go home?!" I yelled in excitement. She nodded. "Nagato said if you weren't happy here then you could leave home. He doesn't want his little sister to be unhappy." She smiled. I hugged her. "Can I say goodbye to everyone?" I asked in excitement. She frowned. "Were going to say that you escaped, but were going to make sure they don't bring you back. Nagato said sorry, but he went on a mission. He said to take care of yourself. Be happy and live your life." She said and a tear escaped my eyes. I hugged her again. 

"I'll miss you guys so much." I said crying on her shoulder. "It's okay here have this." She gave me an origami flower. She put it in my hair. "It will stay like that even in the rain. We'll miss you." I saw a tear escape her eye. I smiled and hugged her. "Tell Nagato I said bye!" I said running of to the direction to Konoha, leaving behind and Akatsuki cloak. I smiled. I'm finally going to see Naruto again. 


I have been running for 10 minutes. I couldn't wait to get back home! As I was running I felt a strong chakra coming my way. I looked behind me and saw none other than the Uchiha. Ita-

Just kidding! It was Duck's ass. He always has to ruin everything. "What do you want?" I said coldly. I glared at him with an intense amount of hatred. His looked softened. "Akina." He whispered, but I blacked out. 


I groaned as I tried to open my eyes. I sat up and looked around. Of course the Uchiha captured me again. I sighed as I saw the bracelet on again. I got up and put my sandals on. I wandered around the hideout, just like the first day I was here. I kept on walking until I saw someone. It was Kabuto. Wow, Déjà vu. I glared at him as he smirked in return. 

"Welcome back Akina." Was he mocking me? I rolled my eyes. "So how was your stay with the Akatsuki?" Again, is he mocking me??? I didn't say anything. "Wow, you're as antisocial as Sasuke." He knew on how I would react. 

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