Do I love you?

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"I love you." I heard Sasuke say. Wait what? I tried to respond, but my eyes slowly closed.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Sasuke's distressed face and Sakura crying. Naruto was coming toward us, but I could see tears in his eyes. "Duck butt, are you crying?" I asked. I tried to smile, but it hurt to much. He looked at me wide eyed. "Naruto, Akina woke up!" I could hear Sakura yell. I couldn't stop staring at Sasuke. "Akina?" He whispered. I looked at him and smiled. "You were worried about me?" I ask him. Before he could answer Naruto came and literally swooped me into his arms.

"Akina, I thought you were gone. Don't scare me like that. You can't leave me." I heard him say while he was crushing me with a hug. "Don't worry Naruto, I won't ever leave you, and I never go back on my word." I reassured him with one of my smiles. "Wait, what about Zabuza and Haku?" I asked him. After they told me the story Naruto carried me to Tazuna's house. We were going to stay there until I heald. "Naruto, you don't have to carry me I can walk." I told him.

"Prove it." He said. He let me stand up. I fell right after he put me down. "See, just let me carry you." But Naruto!" I wined. "I will buy you ramen?" He offered. "On words!" I said and literally jumped into his arms. In the corner of my eye I could see Sasuke glaring at Naruto. Not like usual. I wanted to talk to him about what he said, but he thinks I didn't hear him and I guess I will leave it that way. I don't honestly know if I like him that way. I always had a crush on Naruto, yes don't tell anyone. I started having these feelings for Naruto after my parent's passed away. He was there to comfort me when needed. He understood me. But I would never risk our friendship.

After I was put into team 7, I kinda started having feelings towards Sasuke. I don't know! Damn puberty and my hormones!!!


"Come on hurry up!" I yelled at my team. "Why are you in such a hurry Akina?" Sakura asked me. "Because at home there is a bowl of free ramen waiting for me!" I yelled while walking forwards. "Akina aren't you going to say goodbye?" Sensei asked me. "Bye!" I waved and kept on walking. I could hear them sigh.


"Come on Naruto! We're here now let's go get some ramen!" I yelled with excitement. As you can tell I love ramen. I was pulling my friend by his jacket. "Um, Akina?" My blond friend asked. "Yesss?" I sang. "Um, I'm really sorry, but I don't have any money." He said with a nervous grin. "Fine then, I'll pay. Are you guys hungry?" I yelled to the rest of my team. "Nah, I have to report our mission to the Hokage." Sensei kindly declined. "yea, I have to go home." Sakura said. "I'll go." Sasuke said with a smirk. Why? I don't know. "I'll go too!" Sakura said while blushing. "Okay, but this is the only time I'm paying for ramen!" I warned them and started walking towards the ramen shop. I walked besides Sasuke and Naruto while Sakura was trying to molest Sasuke.

"Sooo, Sasuke. Do you want to go someplace private??" Sakura is so desperate I thought while I sweat dropped.

"No." He replied coldly. I chuckled to myself lightly. "What's so funny?" She asked me. See, If I were a normal person with feelings I would lie and say nothing, but I'm not. "I just thought it was funny that you're so desperate for Sasuke's love and he thinks you're annoying." I said with my hands behind my back. I could see Sasuke smirking and Naruto lightly chuckling. "Well, says the one who flirts with Naruto daily!" She yelled at me. I stopped walking. "Okay, I will not be buying you ramen." I said. "That's okay I will buy myself some ramen." She replied. "Well, I'm not hungry anymore, so I'm going to go so have fun!" I said while turning back. "Yea, I'm going to because I don't want to be stuck with you too." Sasuke said while following me.

"So, Sakura let's you and me go get some ramen huh?" I could hear him say. "Baka! You don't have any money!" She said while she hit him in the back of his head.

"Sasuke your house is the other way." I told him without looking at him.

"I know." I could actually hear the smirk on his face. Does that sound weird? I don't know.

"Are you following me?" I asked him finally turning around to face him as soon as I did he pinned me against the wall our lips only inches apart.

"Sasuke what are you doing?" I ended up whispering out. He landed a kiss on me. I didn't know how to respond. He just deepened the kiss. I didn't pull away, or I didn't move actually. I was shocked. He finally pulled away.

"Akina, I love you. If you don't love me back then I'll wait. I'll wait for you. I care about you. Just remember that." And then he left! I was so confused. I didn't know how to react. Was I supposed to be happy? Do I love him? I turned to leave, but saw a little blond person in front of me with a very angry face.


Naruto Pov

"Ow! Sakura can you stop hitting me!" I said while I felt a lump form on my head. "Hmp!" She said and went away. Sometimes, I think why do I even like her. Akina is way better. She's pretty, kind, loyal, and actually is my friend. I'm going to check on her though.

I was almost to her house, but I stopped as I saw Sasuke pin her to the wall and.... KISS HER! WHAT THE FUCK! Does he actually like her, or is it because of the bet we made? I thought it was a joke because it's rude and not cool to play with a girl's feelings. He said something and walked away. Oh, I'm going to pumble that guy! Akina finally noticed me. "Oh, um hey Naruto?" She said more of a question. I didn't even respond, I just ran towards the little cocky duck's ass.


"Hn, I don't need to explain to you." He said and KEPT ON WALKING!

"If this is because of the bet, I'm going to kill you! You can't play with her!" I was ready to punch him.

"Who said I was?" Oh that cocky emo jerk! I ran up to him about to punch him, but he caught it. Now he was going to punch me. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to come, but it never did. I opened my eyes to see Akina with Sasuke's arm. "Sasuke what did I say about hurting Naruto?" He didn't even reply because I took Akina as far away from him as possible.

"SASUKE YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER GOT IT!" I didn't hear a reply so I took Akina home.

"AKINA WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!?" I yelled at her.

"What?" She is so clueless. "What do you mean what? Sasuke kissed you! You can't be going around kissing people!" I was talking now.

"Says who?" She was testing me.

"Me, says me!"

"Are you jelly, because I didn't give you a kiss?" Omg, yes it is true. I could feel my face heating up.

"AWW, come here!" And she gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "I honestly don't know what that was about, so we are going to forget about that okay?"

"Forget it? How?"

"I have instant ramen!!"

"Forget about what?" I asked her. We just laughed until it was night time. "Okay Akina, I'm going to head home." I didn't want to. I felt lonely.

"Awww, can you stay please?" She asked me giving her puppy dog eyes. I knew Akina had nightmares, so it was normal to sleep with her.

"Fine, but only if you give me your fluffy blanket!"


We were ready to go to sleep. She was rich. she had a house with 3 bedrooms. In her room she put in another bed because I came here so often.

"Goodnight Naruto." Her sweet voice said.

"Goodnight, Akina." And I left sleep take me in.


Jello! Did you like it? I tried okay, so I'm sorry.

Anyways, Vote and comment. Tell me what you think!



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