Preliminary Rounds

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I have been waiting for this moment.............. Sorry I haven't updated since LAST year! Yes! I have been waiting to say that for so long. Anyways, hope you're having a wonderful day. Happy new year!!!


I was done healing Sakura with her cuts. I'm almost out of chakra, but I have to heal Naruto. I just have to. I swear, I will protect my friends if it cost me my life. "Hey Naruto, let me see your wounds." I asked him. He looked at me and smiled. "Akina, you healed Sakura, Lee, and Sasuke. Do you even have enough chakra?" He asked me looking at me worriedly. "I'm fine, let me just heal you. Your an important part in team 7. We can't have you hurt." I said while I started healing the cuts he had. Wow, I'm getting a hang of this healing thing. But  learned it too fast. I should ask Kakashi Sensei.  

"What do you mean I'm an important part. Sasuke says I'm a baka, and Sakura hates me. And they say I just get in the way." He said sadly to the ground. "Naruto, you are the most important part of team 7, because you're determined. You never give up and your speeches are inspiring, well when you know what you're saying. Most importantly your my best friend. I can't afford to lose you." I said while healing his arm. My eyes started to close. Dammit I'm almost out of chakra. 

"Really?" He asked me looking shocked. I just looked at him and yelled, "BELIEVE IT!" and smiling like an idiot. He just blushed. "There I'm all done." I said. "Thanks." I just smiled at him and stood up, but then I fell right back down passing out. All I heard was Naruto yell my name. 


A few minutes later I woke up to this dark place. Sensing dark chakra. I looked around seeing that i'm standing on water. I kept on walking until I saw a gate. Inside was none other than Kurama. 

"So you're the brat with the managan huh?" His dark scary voice said. "Yeah problem?" I said with no emotion. I just stared at him until reality hit me. "Wait, you're Kurama. Kurama is inside Naruto. Naruto is a jinjuriki. Why am I here?!!?" I asked kinda freaking out. "Yo brat, calm down. You have the managan, you can see and talk to us. You just never have had enough chakra too. I guess that curse mark gave you some."He said glaring at me. 

"So what am I doing here?" I asked kinda confused. "Look brat, you came here on your own. What do you want?" He said angrily. "I guess I fainted because I used up to much chakra." I said putting the pieces together. "Well goodbye Kurama, have a lovely day." I said finding out how to get out of there. 

I woke up seeing Naruto and Sakura around me. I looked around and saw Kabuto there. I sat up, but then groaning as my head started to hurt. Is this what it feels like to have a hangover? Naruto noticed me and smiled, but then frowned. "BAKA I TOLD YOU NOT TO HEAL ME!" He said hitting the back of my head. I just laughed on how much he cares. "NARUTO DON'T HIT HER!" Sakura said while hitting him. "AND YOU DON'T USE THAT MUCH CHAKRA IT'S DANGEROUS!" Sakura said now hitting the back of my head. Sasuke came into view. I saw he had fish. He looked at me. "Hn, Baka." He said hitting the back of my head. I just glared at him while he smirked at me. I started rubbing the back of my head. It hurts. 

"You know if you guys keep on hitting the back of my head like that, I might get a concussion." I said now trying to get up, but failed miserably.  Dammit. While fighting that guy and healing my teammates, I haven't healed myself. Just great. 

"Baka." Sasuke said while handing me fish. "Duck's ass." I muttered while I bit into my fish. He just glared at me, but then smirked. "What is the Uchiha smirking about now." I asked him taking another bite of my fish. 

"You can't walk. I'm going to have to carry you on the way there." He said eating his fish. My eye's widen. "Sasuke, I'm really getting tired of your shit. I can walk." I said while getting back up taking a step, but falling. Naruto caught me. "Sure you can." Sasuke said while finishing his fish. "But why does it have to be you? Why can't it be Naruto?" I asked. He is not going to win. 

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