Meeting the Lads

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After about 3 hours of watching different parts of the Scary Movie series, my phone buzzed. The message I received was from Harry.

From: Harry

Is it ok when were gonna have dinner with the boys? Don’t worry, the lads will bring their gfs, so you don’t have to feel lonely ;)


Dinning with the boys and their girlfriends. Why not. Better than staying at home all day and watching senseless movies.

To: Harry

Sure. When will you pick me up?


I hope he would let me time to prepare myself, because I didn’t wore make-up.

From: Harry

About 30 minutes. I hope it’s enough time.


Okay 30 Minutes. I turned off the TV and went upstairs. I changed into a pair of skinny Jeans and a red blouse and slipped into my black wedges. I brushed my hair and put on some Make-up. Exactly 30 Minutes later, the Door slammed and Harry shouted from downstairs that I should hurry up. I picked up my phone and went down. He looked at me impatient.

“Come on. Niall´s waiting in the car and I´m starving.” He turned around and I followed him outside. The Land Rover was parked on the sidewalk and on the passenger’s seat sat a good looking blonde boy. He was busy with his phone, but as I opened the back door, he looked up and smiled at me.

“Hi Claire! Remember me?” Of course I remembered him. During their X-Factor time, they stayed all at our home, thinking about a name for their band. But since then I didn’t saw them. Besides Louis, who sometimes visited us. But Niall changed a lot. During the X-Factor time he had pretty crooked teeth and now they were perfectly straight. I didn’t knew much about him and the other Lads because I was not interested in my Brothers band and their music. It wasn’t my style.

“Of Course I remember you Niall!” I smiled at him and seated in the back of the car. “Where are we going to have dinner? I´m starving!” I asked them when Harry started the motor.

“Nando´s of course! They´ve got such amazing food over there. You have to try the Peri Peri Chicken. It tastes so good!” Niall screamed and Harry laughed.

“You have to know Clais; Nando’s is Niall´s favorite Restaurant. I´m sometimes really wondering why he doesn´t lives there. He spends most of his time there!” Harry explained to me while he drove in the direction of the city Centre.

“I´m only there when I´m hungry.” Defended Niall himself.

“Which is always.” Countered Harry.

“I´ve actually never been to Nando’s before.” I grinned. Niall turned around and looked at me in shock.

“You´ve never been to Nando´s before? Have can you even survive without Nando’s?” Niall seemed really shocked. I had to laugh about his face. Harry laughed too.

“Not everybody is as addicted to food as you are. It’s a miracle that we don´t have to roll you around!” Niall grumbled angrily and muttered something that sounded to me like a Fuck You. Harry pretended that he didn’t hear that and parked his Range Rover opposite a Restaurant with a black cock on the front.

We made it out of the car and across the street into the restaurant. On a table in a corner were 3 boys and 3 very pretty girls seated. Niall went straight towards them and gave himself a seat next to a pretty girl with brown curls and Louis. They all greeted us and moved a bit with their chairs when Harry took a chair of the neighbor table for me to sit on. He seated himself next to me.

“So you know already Louis.” Louis smiled at me. “The girl next to him is his girlfriend Eleanor.” Eleanor was very pretty. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She smiled at me too.” The girl next to Eleanor is Perrie. She´s Zayn´s girlfriend.” I recognized Perrie immediately. She won X-Factor with her group Little Mix. And I recognized Zayn too. He was the only one with black hair. Perrie waved at me and Zayn winked. “Next to Zayn, this is Liam and next to Liam is Danielle, Liam’s girlfriend.” Liam changed too since I saw him last. He shaved his hair. I remember that Harry told me once it was for charity. Danielle was the girl with the huge brown, curly hair. She looked very nice and kind. “And this guys is my twin sister Claire.” Harry the told the others as he finished his explanation.

“You totally have the same eyes. And the same hair. You look almost like each other! Who´s the older one?” asked Perrie after she looked at me for a while.

“I am!” Harry answered proudly and nipped me in the cheek.

“But just 10 minutes. And just because I was nice. If I wasn’t nice I would have been the older!” The other ´s laughed. Harry grinned at me and grabbed the menu card.

After we all had eaten our dinner, the others started talking about what they were up to do in the evening. Perrie and Zayn wanted to go to the Cinema and Liam and Danielle were invited to a friend’s birthday party. Louis and Eleanor argued were they wanted to go. Eleanor wanted to go with Zayn and Perrie to the cinema but Louis said that cinema was boring so he wanted to attend Liam and Danielle to the Party. Niall, Harry and I watched the fight. We were nothing up to. After Eleanor and Louis finished fighting (Louis won, they went to the party and Eleanor pouted) the couples asked us what we were up to. I said that I was tired and didn’t want to go out anymore. Harry agreed with me and Niall had no idea.

“How about coming over to Harry’s house? We can do a movie night?” I proposed to Niall after a while. Harry lifted his eyebrows but nodded.

“Why not. I wasn’t was for ages in your house Harry!” agreed Niall. Louis and Eleanor promised that they would come over later, after leaving the party, which would be, when it was up to Eleanor, soon.

Yayayayayay the chapters are becoming loooonger. And it’s getting later. It’s already 10 past 11. Okay this isn’t that late. But still late. But I´m so creative at the moment and I don’t want to stop. AND I don’t care because its holiday time! WOOTWOOT. I´ll upload my really amazing bullshit tomorrow because I don’t have any internet connection. Stupid internet. You´re wondering why I´m already writing my comments? I actually don’t know haha. SO I´m getting filmed the day after tomorrow. Am I cool or am I cool? A friend of me will be in a TV series. And I´m getting interviewed about him. TROLOLOLO

If you live in Germany, or Switzerland or Austria or a country you have KI.KA don’t forget to turn it on in October because then you´ll be able to watch my beautiful face*cough*. Okay I start talking bullshit again. I think I should stop now. So don’t mind on my comments and if you enjoy my story so far: Vote, comment, tell your friends, tell random people on the street about my story.


Love Elena xx (creative slogan I know)

P.S. I hope my comments aren’t better than the story because I feel that the bullshit I´m writing under the chapters is funnier than the real story :P

P.P.S: I´m still sorry for my stupid English. I´m working on that, but in Germany the English education is bullshit( yes I like this word!)

Little Bit of Love...(Niall Horan)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt