Overprotective brother

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“Do you have some food left in the fridge?” I asked as Harry and I entered his house in London.

“I think so. But I´m sure that it´s moulded.” Harry went in the kitchen and I followed him.

“Yep it is. We need to go food shopping.” Harry turned around. I sighed and grabbed my bag.

“Put a jacket on. It´s cold.” Harry pointed on his leather jacket that laid on the cooking island.

5 minutes later we arrived at the supermarket.

“So what do you fancy?” Harry grabbed a shopping cart.

“Don´t know. How about Pizza?”

“Self-made or frozen?“ 

“Ermm frozen?” Harry rolled his eyes and opened the freezer.

“Tuna?” I nodded. Suddenly I heard a scream. Great. A freaky fan again.

“Harry!” A girl ran towards us and hugged him. Harry seemed perplexed and hugged the girl too.

“Can I take a picture? Can you sign me an autograph? Oh my god I love you so much!” She freaked out.

“Sure. Claire? Can you take a picture?” The girl looked at me angry as Harry looked at me.

“Sure.” The girl handed me her phone and I took some pictures of Harry and them. After that she searched in her bag for a paper and a pen and Harry signed her an autograph.

“Are you Harry´s girlfriend?” The girl looked at me suspicious after Harry had walked away to grab some salad.

“No. I´m Harry´s sister.” I laughed and the girl widened her eyes.

“You´re Claire Styles!”

“Yes I am.”

“Can I take a picture with you too?”
“Sure darling.” I smiled as the girl stepped beside me and took a picture.

“Thank you Claire. Bye.” She waved and walked away.

Did she recognized you?” Harry put some salad in the shopping cart.

“Yup. How about some ice cream?”
“Good idea. Hey a friend of me and the boys will throw a party on the evening before we´ll leave again. Do you want to come with us?”
“Sure why not.” I laid our stuff on the assembly line.


“Harry when´s the food reading? I´m starving.” I wrapped the blanket a bit closer around my body.

“10 minutes babe.” Harry sat towards me and switched on the TV. I laid my head on his shoulder.

“Is everything alright?” He brushed a curl out of my face.

“I´m just cold.”

“Don´t get sick darling.”

“I won´t. I promise.”

„Nah you look already sick. I´ll make you a tea. And I think the pizza is ready” Harry jumped up and went to kitchen. I rolled my eyes. Overprotective brother.

“Here it is. Look out its hot.” Harry put the table with the pizza on the coffee table and handed me a cup with steaming peppermint tea.

“Thanks Harry.” I leaned against Harry´s shoulder.

“No problem Clais. Now eat.” We ate our pizza in silence and after we finished, Harry wrapped his arms around me and focused on the TV. I nipped on my tea who already cooled down a bit. I felt tired, put the cup on the table and cuddle in Harry a bit more.

“Are you tired?” He looked down and I nodded.

“You should go to bed babe.” I shook my head and closed my eyes. I heard

Harry sigh and then I fell asleep.

Möp. Just kidding. You probably don´t know what this word means but for me it has a very deep meaning. No. Sorry that this is a very short chapter. It’s just a connection chapter (again). The next chapters will be VERY interesting. There will happen so many things. But I won´t upload so many chapters this week. Maybe one, maybe not any more. I have to study for a history exam and it´s so much stuff to  learn. And I´m still hoping that I’ll get accepted to go to Romania for one week. That would be SO amazing. We´ll visit Dracula´s castle. Yay.

I can´t believe how many reads and votes I gained in the last days o_O.

I got in 1!! Day 100!!! Reads.

Thank you all so much. I never expected so many reads and votes and everything. LOVE YOU!!! Bye.

Love Elena xx

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