So we're already in the boyfriend/girlfriend zone, huh?

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As I opened my eyes I saw Niall looking worried.

“Hey babe.” He smiled and blew a kiss on my mouth. I sat up and realized that I was in my bed.

“What happened?” The last thing I remembered was Niall´s voice. Then I passed out.

“We followed you and Harry outside and as we arrived Harry hold you and you were about to faint. As you passed out we took you in the car and went to the hotel.” Niall explained and grabbed my hand.

“How long did I passed out?”

“Half an hour. Claire I was so worried.”

“It was just too much for me. Did you and Harry speak with each other?”

“Yes we did.” Harry entered the room.

“And what will happen now?” Harry and Niall shared a look.

“Claire. I´m not feeling well with this whole relationship. But I can´t forbid you anything. You and Niall are both grown up. I think you know what you do.” Harry sat next to me and stroke some hair out of my face.

“Harry…” I knew how hard this was. Harry was just too overprotective.

“She´ll be safe with me Harry. Believe me.” Niall looked at Harry and squeezed my hand lightly. Harry´s head shoot up and his green eyes sparkled angry as he looked at Niall.

“I don´t believe you anything, anymore!” He stood up.

“Bye Claire. I´m going out with Louis today. He needs some distraction.” He went outside and banged the door.

“What happened with Louis?” Niall sighed on my question

“Eleanor broke up with him.”

“What? Why?” I was shocked. Louis and Eleanor were such a lovely couple.

“Louis didn´t want to tell me. But I´m sure that Harry knows the reason.”

 I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I wanted to ignore it but it kept buzzing. I sighted and looked at the screen to figure out who called me. Mom.

“I need to take this.” I said to Niall, stood up and went on the balcony.

“Hi mom.”

Claire? Are you alright?”

“Yes mom.” I rolled my eyes. Harry had told her everything.

“Harry told me that you passed out.”

“Mum. I´m fine. It was just getting too much. The stress, the touring, we are surrounded all the time by fans. It´s just weird.”

Are you sure? Harry sounded very serious. Maybe it would be better if you would come home again.”

Mom. No. I´m enjoying the tour. It´s fun and the boys are so sweet and nice. I´ll continue the tour with them.”

“But I miss you Claire. It´s hard to me that my two kids are somewhere in the world. Normally you´re with me when Harry´s gone. And now you´re away too.”

“I´m sorry mum. I miss you too. But one day I´ll be gone. Sooner or later.” I saw Niall opening the door and stepping outside on the balcony. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

“Mum I need to go now. I´m having dinner with the boys. Bye. I love you.”

I love you too Claire.” I heard my mom sobbing quiet as I hung up my phone. I looked apologetic at my phone and turned around to look at Niall.

“So you´re having dinner with the boys tonight. Good to know.” He smiled cheeky. I rolled my eyes.

“Should I´ve told her that my boyfriend just came out and is about to get jealous when I don´t take care of him?”

“So we´re already in the boyfriend/girlfriend zone, huh?” He smiled.

“Yes we are.” I kissed him on the chest. I loved kissing him on the chest.

“Good to know.” He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist. He picked me up and carried me inside.

“What are you doing?” I squeaked.

“Wait and see babe.” He laughed.

I really like Harry´s and Claire´s mum. I don´t know why. AND Harry´s “real” mum, Anne, looked so AMAZING on her wedding. Congratulations to her!!!

Can you imagine what comes next? ;)

And I have a special shoutout to lisiii_ . She´s laughing her ass of about my comments. So this is for you: YOU LITTLE MOFO STOP STALKING JUST MY COMMENTS AND START READING MY STORY OTHERWISE I'LL GET ANGRY AND MAKE YOUR LIFE A HELL. Love you! Btw read her story. It´s amazing. But its german. And I don´t like german

Thank you much for 300 reads. Wut wut wut *Macklemore voice* I really like Macklemore. And I really like you. And cats. That´s why I´m having a second one on Thursdays. And I named my new cat Harry. Yeah. Keep reading and voting guys and LEAVE ME A FEEDBACK IN THE COMMENTS!! Sorry for shouting xx Bye.

Love Elena xx

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