I think you two need to make your relationship public

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"Sure come in." Niall let go of me and starred at the door. The door opened and Paul stepped in, followed by Harry.  

"The fans are going crazy. I was outside and tried to come inside but the fans mobbed and asked questions like 'is it true that Nialls dating your sister' and 'tell her she'd better not hurt him" Harry looked worried. 

"Niall I want to read the comments about the sugarscape article." I turned around and pointed at the laptop that Niall had shut. 

"Claire no. You'll be worried and you'll start questioning yourself why they're hating on you. Believe I made this mistake at the beginning too." Niall tried to hug me but I turned around. 

"Give me the laptop." I hissed. 

"I don't think that this is a good idea either. I think you two need to make your relationship public. But don't make your pregnancy public. This would be too much for the fans." Paul stepped towards the window and looked outside. 

"I think well call the police." Paul shook his head and went outside, followed by Harry. 

"Claire. I've got an interview on saturday. And I'm sure that they'll ask me whether I'm single or not. I'll tell them." Niall smiled brightly. 


"And there's something I wanted to ask you for a long time." Niall stopped and sat on the edge of the couch. 

"Yes?" He pulled me on his lap. 

"Claire were going to be parents soon and I think our child should grow up living with us together. Not just with you. So I wanted to ask you if you wanted to move in with me." He wrapped his arms around me. 

"Niall. I love you more than everything on the planet. But Harry will freak out." Niall chuckled. 

"We made Harry freak out in the past few months very often.  Don´t you remember?" I laughed quiet. 

"Alright I'll move in with you. But you tell Harry!" I smiled and pecked on his nose. 

"We'll be talking about this later." Niall fell on the back and made me lying on top of him. 

"You sure?" I kissed him softly

Sorry that the authors note not is written fat but I'm still in the bus and I'm bored and I got requests to upload soon so I decided to write a very LITTLE chapter. 

Still flashed about your support. love you to the moon and back. Bye. 

Love Elena xx

Little Bit of Love...(Niall Horan)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt