Chapter 29

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1D Blondie Niall Horan is (finally) taken too

Who´s that cute girlie that cuddled with One Direction Superstar lately?

Definitely somebody special! I mean the way Niall smiles, he must be SUPER happy and totally in love.

And we can´t deny that his lady choice looks amazing. And we even now her name. Claire Styles. Yeah right she´s got the same last name like Horans band member Harry. And she´s got the same DNA like Harry. Right. It’s the Claire Styles. Twin sister of our curly-haired goodlooker. So when your band mate has such a beautiful sister like Harrys it’s just a matter of time until you start falling in love with her.

We are very happy for Naire and we hope that they both stay happy like forever.

I scrolled down the sugarscape article to view the comments the people wrote about us.

“Don’t read that babe.” Niall hugged me and closed my laptop.

“I´m afraid that they´ll hate me.” I closed my eyes and lent on Nialls chest.

“You´re lovely. They won´t hate you.” Niall kissed my cheek and brushed through my hair.

“They will.”

“No.” Niall kicked my laptop a bit away from us and kissed me on the mouth. I groaned but kissed him back. He fell backwards, I laid on top of him.

“Claire.” Niall pushed me away and sat up straight.

“What?” I looked at him confused.

“Did you hear that?” He jumped up and went towards the window.

“Holy shit Claire.” Niall was shocked. I stood up and stepped next to him. Outside the hotel were about 40 paparazzi and hundreds of fans, screaming Nialls and my name.

“Oh my god Niall.” I cuddled in his chest.

“Shh babe. They just want some good pictures of us.” He kissed me softly.

“Niall, Claire are you alright?” There was knock on the door and Pauls voice sounded through the door.

Heyho, short chapter. Sorryyyyyyyy lovies.

But this is my holiday chapter. I'VE GOT SUMMER HOLIDAYS. Celebrate that shit. AND NEXT WEEK I'LL GO TO SCOTLAND. Wootwoot.

AND: thank you soooooo freaking much for 2k reads. I MEAN 2K READS ARE YOU KIDDING ME THIS IS SO UNBELIEVABLE! I never expected soo many reads. Bye.

Love Elena xx

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