Chapter 39

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“You heard me.” Maura took a sip of her water and smiled at me. I gave her a hateful glare and tried to concentrate on my pasta again.

“Everything alright?” Niall sounded worried and sat next to me. 

“Yes sure.” Maura smiled.

“Good. I was worried because you didn´t talk.” He smiled and grabbed a piece of chicken.

“Oh was so amazed of Claires cooking skills.” Maura smiled and took a bite of her chicken.

“Fine. So how long do you want to stay?” Niall put his hand on my thigh.

“Oh only for tonight. My flight to France goes tomorrow afternoon.” I tried to hide my smile and Niall looked confused.

“How sad. I would have loved to spend some time with you.” I gave Maura my brightest smile.

“Me too but sadly my flight won’t wait.” She smiled at me and finished her plate.

“Thank you for the great dish Claire. I´ll go to bed now. Goodnight Nialler.” Maura smiled and gave Niall a kiss on his messy hair.

“Night mum.” Niall smiled and waited until she closed the door of her room.

“What happened between you and my mother?” Niall looked at me and put his hand above mine.

“Why should have something happened?” I tried to act innocent.

“Claire. I notice when you and my mum are pissed so what happened?” Niall looked serious.

“Nothing important.” I forced a smile and got up.

“What are you doing?” Niall stood up too.

“I´ll clean the table and the kitchen.” I turned around to face the kitchen counter.

“I´m doing that for you.” Niall stepped behind and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Claire?” He whispered softly in my ear.


“I love you.” He kissed my neck.

“I love you too.” I smiled and grabbed a bowl to put it in the dishwasher. Niall sighed.

“When will the baby be born?” Niall asked and I rolled my eyes.

“Two months why are you asking?”

“We need to buy furniture and we need a name for our little girl.”

“Who says that it will be a girl. I told you that I don´t want to know the gender of the kid until its born.” I smiled and faced Niall.

“I just feel it.” He smiled and kissed my nose tip.

Update. And yes I´m still alive :D

Sorry for not updating for such a loooooong time. I´m VERY busy with school and I come home often at about 6 in the evening and then I have to do homework and study and I often have no time to write.

I still really love you guys and I can´t believe that I have over 450 votes and almost 19k reads.

I really try to update as often as I can but schools first.

Love Elena xx

P.S. I´m sorry that Maura is a bit mean but I needed a mean person in my story and she just came in my mind. I really love Maura because she gave birth to one of the most beautiful persons on earth.

P.P.S. If you didn´t read the introduction to my Zerrie Fanfiction ASSETS AND DRAWBACKS OF BEING A SUPERSTAR yet, don´t forget to read it. I´ll start it when I´m finished with this story

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