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“Harry! What’s up?” A boy stepped towards us as we entered, two weeks later the party.

“Johnnie. How are you?” Harry greeted the boy.

“I´m fine thanks. Who´s the beautiful girl you are with?” Johnnie looked at me, his eyes wandered up and down.

“This is my sister Claire. Claire this is Johnnie, the host of the party.” I smiled at him.

“Do you have a boyfriend darling?” Johnnie wanted to wrap his arm around my shoulder.

“She´s with Niall.” Harry pushed Johnnies arm away.

“Oh YOU are the girl he´s talking all the time.”

“Yeah. I think so.” I answered embarrassed and looked around if I could spot my blonde boyfriend. He sat on the couch in the living room.

“I´ll be with Niall. Bye Harry. Bye Johnnie.” I made my way up to Niall and sat next to him. He was talking with a blonde girl, but looked up a I sat down.

“Hey baby.” He smiled and kissed me.

“Hey.” I looked at the blonde girl. She seemed disappointed and stood up.

“I´ll go. Bye Niall.”
“Bye Marina. Do you want something to drink?” Niall brushed through my hair. I nodded and he stood up to go to the kitchen I looked around. Everybody seemed to know everybody. Harry was standing in a corner and talked to Johnnie,Marina and Louis. I felt somebody sitting down next to me.

“Claire sweetie. You here?” I jumped slightly as I heard the familiar voice. I turned my head and looked in the face of my ex-boyfriend.

“Jeremy.” I whispered.

“Oh you remember my name? What are you doing in a city like London?” He smiled at me and tried to wrap his arm around my shoulder but I shook him off.

“How could I forget your name? Did you already forget what you did to me?”

“Darling. It was a drunken mistake, sweetie. You know that. Actually I´m glad that I´m meeting you here. I never stopped loving you.” He tried to come near me but I glided side wards.

“Listen Jeremy, I’ve got a boyfriend. And I´m here with Harry…”

“Harry?” Jeremy´s eyes widened.

“Yes Harry. My brother. He was once your best friend. Before you beat me.”
“Claire. I told you more than once that it was a mistake. I´ll give you my phone number. Maybe we can meet.”
“Jeremy. I don’t want to talk with you.” I jumped up.

“Claire. Who´s that?” Niall went next to me, in both hands a glass.

“This is my ex-boyfriend Jeremy. I told you about him.”
“You?” Niall seemed speechless. Jeremy opened his mouth but then he turned around and went away.

“What did he want from you?” Niall asked worried.

“He wanted to talk to me. And he told me that he was still in love with me.”

I swallowed and Niall let out a noise filled with indignation.

“Moron. I´ll tell him that you´re mine!”

“Niall. I already told him that I have a boyfriend. Niall you don´t have to be worried. Jeremy hurt me too much. I have no feelings for him anymore.” Niall sighed and wrapped his arms around me.

“Let’s have some fun. We´ll forget about this motherfucker.” I smiled heavily. Jeremy seemed drunk. And when Jeremy was drunk, he got aggressive easily. I was a bit worried about Niall, so I cuddled a bit closer to him as he dragged me to the dance floor where already Harry was.

“What’s up Claire? You look like you just saw a ghost!” Harry screamed in my ear as we reached him.

“Not actually a ghost. Jeremy!” I screamed back and Harry´s eyes widened.

“You´ll stay with either me or Niall. I don´t want that this fucker comes near you again!” Harry sounded aggressive.

“Harry. Let him be! He´s not worth it!” I knew what my brother was up to as he spotted Jeremy on the door.

“But this fucker…” I interrupted him.

“Let him be Harry!” I grabbed his arm.

“I just want to talk to him.”
“Harry no. I know how this will end and I don´t want that you fight with him.”

“Alright, alright. But if he hurts you again or does something stupid to you, I´ll kill him.”

I don´t like Jeremy. I´ve got nothing more to say on this chapter.

Actually I need to study but I decided to write and upload another chapter today. Bye.

Love Elena xx

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