You still have me...

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Harry had to be very early in the Arena the next morning, so we went soon to bed.

As we stepped outside the car, I spotted Niall for the first time this day, because we drove in 2 different cars to the Arena. He looked at me and as he realized that I looked at him, he turned around and started talking with Liam.

After the sound check the boys went backstage.

“Niall.” I grabbed Niall´s arm before he went in the dressing room.

“Mhhh.” Niall murmured uninterested.

“I´ve got your T-Shirt. And you still have my blouse.”

“Oh yeah thanks. I´ll bring you the blouse tomorrow.” He turned around and was about to go. But I grabbed his arm again.

“Niall what’s up?”


“You´re weird. You didn´t talk to me the whole day and you avoid me.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

“Niall be honest!”

“I´m just a bit pissed.”


“You just left yesterday. Just because your brother called.”

“If I stayed with you, Harry would notice something was going on. Niall I´m sorry.” I looked at him. For the first time this day Niall looked in my eyes.

“I just feel a bit used.” Niall looked on his shoes.

“But why?”

“It´s just… I felt so comfortable with you and then you just went away without a word.”

“Niall I´m so sorry.” I whispered and stepped towards him. He looked at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his chest because it was were my mouth reached him first. He laughed and stroke through my hair and wrapped a curl around his fingers. I looked up to his face.

“It´s alright babe.” Niall whispered and tilted his head down so that our

foreheads touched. He smiled and blew a soft kiss on my nose. I giggled.

“That tickles Niall. Stop it!” He laughed and kissed my lips. The kiss was softer than the one on the evening before.

“Niall.” I moaned after a few seconds. He let go of my lips and buried his head in my neck.

“Mhhm.” He kissed my neck.

“Harry will kill us.”

“I don´t care.” He looked at me and smiled cheeky.

“Yeah, sure. Harry isn´t your brother. He´s mine.”

“So what babe. You still have me.” He kissed me on the forehead. I closed my eyes and seconds later I felt his soft lips on mine.

“Niall, Claire what are you doing?” My heart stopped beating for a second and I pushed Niall away from me. Liam stood on the end of the hallway and looked shocked.

“Liam…” I blushed and looked at my shoe tips.

“If Harry would see you, he´d freak out!” Liam stepped towards us and looked worried.

“It just happened.” Niall placed his arm on my waist and pulled me towards him.

“I have nothing against it. But Harry will have. And Harry´s worried where you are Claire.”

“Don´t tell Harry about us. Don´t tell anybody. Liam I beg you!”

“My mouth is shut but one day he´ll figure out. Sooner or later.”

“I know. But I´m not ready to tell him yet.” I snuggled against Niall a bit tighter.

“Come on guys. The lads are waiting.” We followed Liam through the hallway and Niall let go from me as we arrived the dressing room. The boys looked up as we stepped inside.

“Where were you!” Harry jumped up and stared at me angrily.

“We were hungry and grabbed some food at McDonald's.” It was the best story that came in my mind. I looked at Niall and he nodded. Harry seemed to believe my story and sat down again. Niall looked at me and sat next to Liam on the couch.

“Sit down. You look like you just saw a ghost.” Niall laughed and winked at me. I realized that I was still a bit shocked and sat next to Harry.

“Did something happen?” Harry laid his hands on my lap.

“No. Why?”

“You´re just a bit weird.” Harry shook his hand, grabbed his phone and logged into Twitter.

Okay guys I have so much stuff to get rid of:

1. I´m so sorry that i didn´t upload in the last days because my Laptop didn´t work anymore and soo I wasn´t was able to work

2. 200 reads. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

3. Sorry that this chapter is so short anymore.


5. Keep reading guys. Love you so much xx

What to tell about this chapter. Niall and Claire are happy. Liam knows about them. Harry doesn´t. Not good. Hopefully he won´t become angry when he notices that they are in love... Nope he will become angry. *evil laughter again*

Okay bye.

Love Elena xx

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