The Move

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“Was that the last box?” Niall entered the entrance hall and stretched his back.

“Yes. Niall why don´t you wait in the car?” I looked at Harry who stood in the car, his hands were shoved deep in his pocket like he always did when he was upset.

“Sure.” Niall turned around and closed the door.

“Haz.” I stepped towards him and hugged him tightly. He waited a few seconds then he responded my hug.

“I don´t want you to leave Clais. I need you.” He whispered in my ear.

“I need you too Haz. You can visit me always and as long as we are on tour we see each other all day.” I looked at him. His eyes sparkled sadly.

“That’s not the same thing. You don´t live with me anymore. You know what was the reason I wanted you to live with me?” He looked like he was about to cry.


“Because I missed you terribly babe. I felt like I couldn´t survive a day longer. Since you´re with me I feel happy again. Claire lease don´t leave.” His eyes filled with tears and he started sobbing quietly.

“Haz. I need you too. But when I’m with Niall I´ll life in the same city like you and we can see each other every day. It’s not like I move to Cheshire again.” I wiped his tears of his cheeks.

“Promise me that we´ll see every day?” Harry looked at me.

“I promise Haz. I love you.”

“I love you too baby girl.” He smiled and kissed my forehead.

“I think I’ll go now.” I hugged him tightly before I turned around.

“Bye love.” Harry gave me a little wave, buried his hands in his pockets again and went to the living room. I went to the car where Niall sat in.

“What have you been doing so long?”

“I had to say goodbye to Harry.” I smiled weakly.

“It’s hard for him. He missed you so much and was so happy that you lived with him and now I´m taking you away from me.” He started the car and pulled out the driveway.

“Niall don´t feel guilty.” I put my hand on his knee.

“But I do.” He stayed quiet until he stopped in front of the building his flat was in.

“Go upstairs and I´ll carry the boxes upstairs.” I nodded and took the flat keys and went upstairs. His flat was upstairs. I opened the door and stepped in a white room. Opposite me was the balcony. On the right was the kitchen and a huge dining table. On the left, behind a corner was the living room with Nialls guitar collection. Directly on the left was a hallway with 4 doors. One leaded to an office with a microphone. That’s were Niall recorded his song ideas. One leaded to a guest room which would be soon our children’s room. Opposite the future-children’s room was a white bathroom with a Jacuzzi. The last room was a huge bedroom with a huge bed, a walk-in-closet and an own bathroom. I let myself fall on the bed and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I felt the mattress move. I turned around and looked in Niall clear blue eyes.

“Welcome home baby.” He smiled and kissed my forehead.

“I love you.” I smiled and kissed his lips.

Heyo. So summer holidays are almost over and school starts again on Monday. Elena doesn´t likes this!!!!! But I have to go for two weeks to school and then I´ll fly to Romania. I´m already freaking excited.

I dedicate this chapter to @EmmaJames504 because she always comments under my chapters and always makes me smile with her comments. Bye.

Love Elena xx        

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