Chapter 36

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„Maybe we should have waited with moving together for a while.“ I sat on the couch and looked at Niall.

“Why? It’s not our fault that this guy didn’t like Harry.” Niall grabbed his phone and sat next to me.

“I still feel guilty.” I looked outside the window, the sun already started rising.

“You don´t have to. Oh fuck.”

“What?” I tried to look on Nialls phone but he locked it.

“Niall tell what’s there.” I tried to grab the phone but he quickly sat on it.

“Nothing. Hey babe why don’t we go to sleep again?”

“Niall. Tell me.” I put my hands in the sides and stared at him.

“Claire. It’s nothing important.” He avoided my view.

“Niall.” He sighed and handed me the phone.

“Thanks.” I unlocked it and stared at the site Niall had opened.

Everything too much for 1D member Harry Styles?

The 1D-star Harry Styles was beaten today at a club by an angry boy. He didn´t tried to defend himself, he seemed too drunk, so he´s been brought to the hospital.

But why did he shoot himself off this bad? Rumoured is that his sister, Claire Styles, moved off his home to live with her boyfriend, Harrys band member Niall Horan.

Watch out Directioners, things seem to become serious with Horan and his girlfriend!

A close friend to the couple revealed that the both want to have a family. As soon as possible. And latest pictures show us that they´ll be a family soon. We can see a little baby bump in that picture below, don´t we?

Under the article was a picture of me and Niall one week ago, holding hand s and walking through a supermarket.

“Well great.” I said and leaned into him. He put his arms around my shoulder.

“Well yeah.” He sighed and kissed my head. I turned around and sat on his lap. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. I stroked through his blonde hair and he bend forward to kiss me. Our lips barely touched as his phone went off.

“Ugh.” Niall sighed and looked at me disappointed. I stood up and looked at him confused.

“It’s my mom.” Niall looked at the caller idea and went to the balcony.

So this is a very short chapter again. And I don´t think that I will upload much more chapters at Little Bit of Love. But now I’ll reveal the name of my Zerrie fanfic. It´s called ASSETS AND DRAWBACKS OF BEING A SUPERSTAR and its up NOW. It has no chapters in it but you can read what will happen in this story. I´ll start it right after I finished LBOF.

Also I want to apologize to not upload in the last weeks. I went to Romania and I have much school, my timetable is very hard. I try to write as much as I can, but don´t be mad at me that I don´t upload much.

I can´t believe that I already got 12k reads. UNBELIAVBLE. Keep voting. Bye.

Love Elena xx


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