Niall really loves you.

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Nialls POV:

“Harry! Niall! Come with me!” Marina ran towards us as we went down the stage to get changed.

“What happened babe?” Louis looked at Marina and hugged her. She looked like she was about to cry.

“Claire. She´s laying in the dressing room.” Louis brushed the hair out of Marinas face.

“What?” I jumped up and started running to the dressing room. Harry followed me in shock.

“Babe.” I sat next to Claire on the couch. Her eyes were closed and she breathed barely.

“Claire!” Harry screamed and fell in front of her on the floor. He put his hands on her knees.

“Can you hear me Clais?” He whispered anxiously. She turned her head barely.

“Claire.” I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead.

“What’s going on?” She mumbled in my chest.

Claires POV:

“What´s going on?” I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness but smelled Nialls aftershave.

“Claire. You´re alright.” I heard Niall voice and felt the pressure on my back tighten a bit.

“I can´t breathe.” I whispered and Niall pulled away immediately.

“Is everything alright?” Harry looked at me worried.

“Yeah. Just the stress. It was just too much.”

“Really? If you don´t feel good tell it. Maybe something´s with the baby.” Niall wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

“Everything’s alright. And now go back on stage.” I jumped up and looked at Harry and Niall angry.

“No.” Niall protested and crossed his arms.

“Yes.” I grabbed his arms and tried to pull him upwards so that he was standing. But he was too strong for me.

“Come on Niall. We really have to get back on stage. And Marina will take care of her.” Harry went towards the door.

“I will.” Marina smiled und brushed her blonde hair behind her ear.

“Alright.” Niall stood up and kissed me softly.

“Tell me when something happens.” He followed Harry outside and two minutes I heard the fans screaming.

“Niall really loves you.” Marina sat on the couch and looked at me.

“How do you know?” I sat next to her.

“The way he looks at you. The way he talks with you. The way he kisses you.”

“Louis looks at you the same.”

“No he doesn´t. And by the way. I´m wondering how you kept your relationship a secret for so long. You always hug and cuddle. And the fans aren´t stupid.”

“I know. But I think half of the fandom hates me right know because me and Niall cuddled today outside. I think they´ll realize soon that we´re together.” I sighed. I was afraid of the day our relationship would become public.

“How can they hate you? You´re lovely and you´re Harrys sister. And you make Niall happy.”

“I hope every fan thinks like you.” I rolled my eyes.

“There are always weird people. Don´t worry about them.” Marina smiled softly.

Finallyy a new chapter.  Sorry for not updating for soo long. I´m busy with my social life and the school year is finished in a bit more than one week. But then I´ll be hopefully able to upload more because of holidays. But just for one week because in a bit more than 1 week I´ll go to SCOTLAND. Soooo excited. It´ll be A M A Z I N G!! Bye

Love Elena xx

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