Did he hurt you again?

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„Lucie! I´m outside your house! Where the hell are you?” I screamed in my phone, trying to protect myself from the rain.

Sorry Clais. I´m in 5 minutes at home.”

“In five minutes I´m either a deep frozen ice block or a puddle. Hurry up!”

Don´t freak out Clais. I´m hurrying already. I can’t fly.”

“It would be better if you´d learn to. Bye.” I hung up my phone in the same moment as I received a message.

From: Harry

Where are you?

And where´s Niall?

Where would Niall be? With Harry and the other boys of course.

To: Harry

I´m at Lucies house.

I don´t know. Why are you asking?

I started worrying. What if he really left to pick me up?

From: Harry

He left directly after the concert and he´s not answering his phone. Did he speak to you?

Yeah he really did it.

To: Harry


Yeah I spoke to him. But before the concert started.

I jumped slightly as a car stopped next to me.

“Clais! How are you my sweetie!” A red-haired girl jumped out of the car.

“Luc! I would never recognize you with this hair!” I hugged my best friend close.

“I know. Let’s go inside. I´m shivering. I want to know everything you did in the past months!”


“Niall Horan is your what?! Are you kidding me?” Lucies eyes were opened wide.

“He´s my boyfriend.” I said dry.

“Oh my god. But why are you back in Cheshire again? I mean you were with your brother and your boyfriend!”

“Harry sent me back. Many things happened in the past months.” I swallowed and stroke over my bruise on my cheek where Jeremy had hit me.

“What happened?” Lucie whispered and looked at my bruise.

“Jeremy.” Lucie gasped and hugged me as the tears started rolling own my face again.

“Did he hurt you again?” Her voice was quite. I could barely hear her. I nodded.

“We went to a party yesterday evening. Jeremy was there too. He was drunk and told me that he still loved me. As I went outside he followed me and beat me. I woke up in the hospital again and the doctor told me...” I stopped. I couldn’t do this.

“And the doctor told you what?” Lucie looked at me worried. I swallowed.

“That I´m pregnant.” I stared at my feet

“Clais.” Lucie was shocked.

“I don´t know how this happened. Maybe the condom broke or something.”

“Is Niall the father?” I nodded.

“Yes he his.”

“Does he know that you´re pregnant?”

“Yes he does. We argued. And he left.”

“Asshole. Was this the news you wanted to tell me?” Lucie sounded angry.

“Yes it was. I don´t want to talk anymore about this.”

“It’s alright. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. Maybe watching a movie?” I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket.

“Okay. I´m going to search some good movies.” Lucie stood up and left the living room. I checked my phone.

From: Niall

Where are you? I´m standing in front of your house and nobody’s opening the door.

Wait what?

To: Niall

I´m at a friends home and my mom´s out.

Stay where you are. I´m coming.

I jumped up and went in the hallway.

“Luc! Can you drive me home?” I shouted upstairs and grabbed my jacket.

“Why?” Lucie appeared on the stairs.

“You´ll see. Please Lucie.”

“Sure. Put on your shoes.” Lucie came downstairs and laid a DVD on the stand next to the heater. She grabbed the keys and slipped in her shoes.

“Come on.” I followed her outside the house. It rained heavily and as we arrived the car we were wet.

“Why are you so excited?” Lucie looked suspicious as she started the car.

“You´ll see.” I grinned at her and Lucie shook her head.

“I´ll never understand you Claire.”

Hello again! Sorry that I didn´t upload for almost one week but I was on a school trip and I had no Wi-Fi and no Laptop. Besides I´d never had time to write something.

There are some good news:

1. One month until summer holidays

2. Most exams are over

And some bad news:

1. I´ll be on a school trip this week again.

2. I have to practice much for theatre in the next weeks so I won’t have much time again.

3. When summer holidays start I´ll go for 2 weeks to Scotland with some friends. I won´t have Wi-Fi there and I won’t take my Laptop with me so I won´t upload there too.

4. I´m almost finished with this story, there are some chapters to go and I have a few ideas. But I already have ideas for two new stories. My next book will be a Zerrie fanfic. And I already have a name for the story. But I won’t tell the name. It´ll stay a secret until I´ll finish my story.

Keep reading and voting guys! Bye.

Love Elena xx

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