Chapter 5

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On the next morning I woke up very late. At the first moment I was confused where was but then I realized. I was in my brother house. My clock already showed 11 and the house was very quiet. Where was Harry? I checked my phone. There was a message from Harry.

From: Harry

Hey Clais,

Had to go for rehearsal. El´s coming later if you don’t mind. She´ll accompany you a bit if you don’t mind.

Love Harry

Great I wouldn’t have to spend my day alone. I decided to get up a take a shower before Eleanor was standing outside the house.

20 minutes later, I had finished my shower, dressed myself and put on some make-up.

I just wanted to go downstairs to the kitchen as the doorbell rang. Outside was Eleanor, in both hands a Starbucks coffee.

“Good morning Hun. Slept well?” She smiled at me and went inside.

“Yeah. Thanks. How are you Eleanor?” I followed El in the kitchen. She seemed to be often in Harry´s house.

“I´m fine. Thank. Did you already had breakfast?” She placed the coffee on the kitchen counter and smiled at me.

“No.” I answered.

“Good. I´ve got coffee and muffins from Starbucks.” She pointed at the coffee and took a carton out of her bag.

“Come eat something. Are you already curious what we´re up to today?” I took a sip from my coffee, it was very hot, and unwrapped a blueberry muffin. Then I nodded and looked at her curious.

“Okay first, we´ll be doing some shopping. After this we´re doing some sightseeing. I actually never done this before because Lou always says that sightseeing is boring. However we´ll meet later with Lou and Harry for dinner. Lou said that Harry and Niall argued yesterday.”

“Oh yes they did. But I don´t think that the argument was so fatal. They´ll get over it.” I took a bite of my muffin and watched Eleanor drinking her coffee.

Nobody of us talked until we finished our breakfast.

“Okay let’s go it´s already 1.” Eleanor I got up and went to her car.

Niall´s POV:

Harry was still mad at me when we arrived on the dance studio where we rehearsed for the shows. He talked to Louis when I went in the room and looked at me mad. Right after Claire went upstairs yesterday evening I went home too. I didn´t want to be alone with mad Harry. Now, during the rehearsals, I didn’t know how to behave. Should I try to talk to Harry? Or should I ignore him too? But he took the decision from me and went towards me during a break.

“Niall can we talk?” He asked embarrassed.

“Sure. What’s up?”

“I´m sorry because of yesterday. I did overreact. You have to understand, I didn’t saw my twin sister for a long time, and now I took her with me to London so that we can spend time together, and the first thing she does is inviting people in my house. And then you and her fooled around. It was just too much for. Can you forgive me that I was mean yesterday. Everything’s fine again? Please.” He looked at me with a bit of beg in his eyes.

“Sure Harry. I understand you. Everything´s fine.” I grinned at him

“Cool. Hey Lou, El, Claire and I are having dinner this evening. Wanna join?”

“Sure why not.”

“OKAY BOYS. LET'S CONTINUE.” Shouted our vocal coach and me and Harry went over to the other lads.

Claire´s POV:

When Eleanor and I arrived in the evening at the little Pizzeria where Harry and Louis already there. Eleanor smiled when she saw Louis and kissed him on the mouth. I hugged Harry and sat next to him.

“How was your-“ wanted to asked Harry me but he was interrupted by a screaming teenage girl that sat on a table of few meters away from us.

“OH MY GOD HARRY STYLES AND LOUIS TOMLINSON CAN I GET AN AUTOGRAPH.I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I'M LIKE YOUR BIGGEST FAN!” she stopped as she saw me and Eleanor and looked at us jealously.

“Sure love. Come on Louis. Claire can you take the picture?” Harry smiled and stood up. He Louis took the girl in the middle, wrapped their arms around her and smiled. I nodded and stood up. The girl gave me the phone grudgingly. I smiled at her and took some pictures. The girl hadn´t had enough until her parents came over and told her that they were about to go. Girl murmured something and followed her parents.

“We have very…dedicated fans.” Louis laughed as he sat down.

“Yes we definitely have!” Agreed Harry. “So what did you do today?” Asked Harry and looked on me.

“Nothing interesting. Just went some shopping and sightseeing. The view from the London eye is amazing!” And this food sounded amazing too. Gosh I was starving.

“Hey Lads! Sorry I´m late but outside the Restaurant was girl and she almost freaked out as she saw me. I had to take a bunch of pictures.” Niall went to our table and sat next to me.

“We already know this girl.” Harry answered and rolled his eyes. A good looking Italian man went to our table and took our orders. Wow Niall ordered really much. Antipasti, Salad, Pizza and Dessert. I grinned at him.

“What?” He asked me confused.

“You really love food, do you?”

“How do you get on that?”

“You ordered very much. That’s how I get on that.”

“Nah I´m just hungry. We rehearsed all day and I didn’t eat anything today besides breakfast and lunch.” I laughed. “How was your day today?”

“Oh it was great. London is such an amazing city. And you can go shopping here like no other city. And El and went to do some sightseeing. The view from London eye is amazing!”

“Yeah it is. But it’s so… high! I mean didn’t you have fear that this whole thing falls down while you were sitting inside?”

“Actually I didn’t thought about that.”

“You never watched the fantastic four, did you?” I shook my head. He laughed.

“Well we can watch it while we´re tour. It´s a great movie. I really like it. Oh yeah food. I´m starving!” The good looking server brought our food and we started to eat.

After we all finished, Louis and Eleanor said goodbye and went home. Niall and Harry paid the bill and we went to the cars. Niall´s black Mercedes looked tiny next to Harry huge Land Rover. Niall and Harry shook hands for good bye and Harry went into the car. I hugged Niall and wanted to go in the car too but Niall held me back.

“Hey wait. I wrote mine and the other lads phone number down. Just in case something happens.” He smiled.

“Thanks Niall. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Claire.” I smiled and went into the car.

Yeah there´s something special between Niall and Claire. #Naire

I don´t know what to write here and I have no idea how to call this chapter so it is named Chapter 5. Whoo sounds mysterious :D (not)

Enjoy the rest of your day, vote for me, comment, tell everybody about my story and...I love you <3. Bye.

Love Elena xx

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