Chapter 35

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I couldn´t move because Niall had his arms wrapped around me. I turned my head to find out the source of the annoying ring. It was my phone. I pressed the answer button.

“Hello?” I mumbled.

“Hello. Is this Claire Styles on the phone?” A woman answered. I looked at the caller ID. Unknown.

“Yes. Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning?”

“It’s about your brother, Harry Styles. He was delivered in our hospital one hour ago.”

“WHAT?” I sat up straight.

“It’s nothing bad. We have to have him for a few more days but he wanted to see you.”

“Okay I´m coming. What’s the name of the hospital?” I started shaking Nialls shoulder.

“Wellington Hospital.” Niall grumbled and opened his eyes.

“Alright. I´m coming.” I ended the call and stood up to put my clothes on.

“Claire what’s up?” Niall looked at me confused.

“Harry´s in the hospital. We have to go to him.”

“Alright.” Niall jumped out of bed and slipped in his jeans.

“Hurry up.” I ran outside the rom and grabbed his car keys.

“I´m driving.” Niall came right after me and I gave him the keys.


“Harry. Oh my god what happened?” I ran in his room and hugged him.

“Ouch Claire.” I jumped slightly and I let go of him.

“Harry what happened” I put hands on my sides.

“I got in a fight with some guy. We were at this club and he recognized me as Harry Styles and he was drunk. He ran towards me and screamed that I destroyed his life and he started beating me and everything.” He shook his head. He looked terribly. His nose was red and swollen, his right eye was blue and on his shoulder was a huge bruise.

“Why did you destroy his life?” I grabbed his hand.

“I didn´t understand him properly. He screamed something like that his girlfriend left him because of 1D.”

“What? Is he mad or something?” I jumped up.

“Claire calm down.” Niall stepped behind me and put his hand on my back.

“Where’s this asshole?” I turned around but Niall grabbed my wrists.

“Some guys called the police and the ambulance but he ran away.” Harry sighed.

“What? How can he? He injured you and ran away.” I shook my head.

“Claire calm down. It’s not that bad.”

“Not THAT bad. Look at you Harry. You look awful. And when the press gets that… Damn Harry what do you for bullshit?” The tears started screaming down my face.

“Claire calm down.” Niall hugged me tight. Harry sat up and grabbed my hand.

“Claire everything’s alright. I can leave the hospital in 2 days. They just want to check me a bit. And then we have a few more days left free time. Everything will be alright.

“But you have to report this guy at the police.”

“I already did. Claire, Niall its half past 4. You better leave now.” Harry smiled.

“Alright. Come with me Claire.” Niall pulled me out of the room.

“Bye Harry. I´ll visit you tomorrow.” I waved to him and he waved back.


So school started today and it already bores me. BUT I will go to watch THIS IS US on Friday with @hellocrazymofos and @lotr_p and I can´t wait.

 Almost 10k reads. That’s unbelievable. Thank you so much. Bye.

Love Elena xx

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