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I´m writing this authors note on top of the chapter because I want to ask you to do me a favour: I really want to get ranked and that’s why I´m asking you to vote for my chapters when you read them and not forget to comment. It would make my day.

Love Elena xx


“Niall wake up. Your mother will arrive in 3 hours.” I shook lightly at his shoulder and he groans. I smiled and placed a light kiss on his neck.

“I made breakfast.” I whispered and he opened his eyes immediately.

“Really?” He looked at me.

“Nope. I just wanted you to wake up. But you can make some. I´m hungry.” I smiled and crossed my arms. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my wrist to pull me down on his chest.

“I´ll order something.” He smiled while he stroked through my hair.

“Or that. I´m hungry and I have to clean the house before my mother comes.” I sat up and Niall growled.

“Its already clean enough.” He sighed. I laughed and went outside to the kitchen and started cleaning the sink.

“Stop it Claire.” Niall stepped behind me with his phone in his hands.

“Nope.” I turned around and went to the living room to adjust the pillows. Niall sighed and sat on a chair to turn on the television.

“Food will be there in about 10 minutes.” He told me while switching through the different channels.


3 hours later there was a knock on the door. I lifted my head from Nialls lap and looked towards the door.

“It’s my mum.” Niall seemed nervous and got up. I sat up and stroke through my curls.

“Hey mom.” Niall smiled as he opened the door.

“Niall. I missed you.” Nialls mom went inside and hugged his son.

“I missed you too mom.” He sounded a bit embarrassed.

“And you have to be Claire.” His mom looked at me.

“Yes. Nice to meet you Miss Gallagher.” I smiled and stepped towards her to shake her hand.

“Don´t call me Miss Gallagher. I´m Maura.” She smiled and pulled me in a hug.

“Okay.” I smiled.

“You look so lovely.” She looked at me and smiled brightly. I smiled back, a bit embarrassed.

“I made dinner.” I pointed towards the dining table.

“Amazing. I´m hungry.” Maura smiled and sat down on the table.

“Niall would you mind bringing my suitcases in my room. Me and Claire will start dinner.” She smiled brightly and put some noodles on her plate. Niall huffed but turned around to bring her stuff away.

“So what do you like most about my son?” Maura smiled and mixed the salad.

“Everything.” I answered and look towards the door Niall went inside. I felt a bit embarrassed.


“Yes.” I smiled forcedly.

“Was it really an accident that you became pregnant or was it you purpose” She smiled evilly.

“What?” I dropped the fork and stared at her in shock.

Little Bit of Love...(Niall Horan)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt