You don't like Maura

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„Mumare you ready? You´ll miss your plane!“ Niall shouted down the hallway and tapped with his fingers on the kitchen counter impatiently. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around Niall.

„She´ll be there soon.”

“I hope so. Are you sure you´ll be alright.” Niall sighed in relieve as Maura appeared in the hallway.

“Yes Niall. Harry will be here any minute and you´re only 1 hour gone.” I smiled and kissed him.

“Ready to go?” Maura looked at us. Niall nodded and grabbed his keys from the counter.

“Goodbye Claire.” Maura hugged me shortly.

“Goodbye.” I didn´t hug her back and stared on the opposite wall.

“Well have a good time and stay safe.” Maura forced a smile.

“Yeah. You too.” There was a knock on the door so I turned and opened it.

“There’s my lovely sister.” Harry smiled and hugged me tightly.

“Hey.” Harry kissed my cheek and went inside.

“Hey Niall. Hello Maura.” Harry seemed surprised and hugged Maura.

“We have to go mum.” Niall gave me a quick kiss and lifted Maura’s suitcase. Maura followed him and closed the door behind her.

“Whats up?” Harry looked at me.

“Nothing. Why are you asking?” I sat down on the couch. Harry followed me.

“Because you´re acting weird. You don´t like Maura or?” Harry smiled and sat next to me.

“Actually no. I don´t like her.“

“I know she can be mean. She just wants to protect Niall. She´s sort of overprotective.”

“Like you?” I laughed at Harry.

„Hey! I´m definitely not overprotective!“

„Yes you are. Remember the first time me and Lucie wanted to go on a party? You and James followed us all night.” I laughed.

“You noticed that?”

“Yes we did. Lucie made fun of you the whole evening.”

“Okay okay. But that doesn´t mean I´m overprotective.”

“Yes that does. Are you hungry? “ I stood up and went to the kitchen.

“Yes I am. Let’s make French toast.” Harry followed me and opened the fridge.

“Like we did it in earlier times.” I smiled and put out some plates.

“Should we make some for Niall too?”

“Yes I think he´ll be hungry when he returns. We´re going shopping for the baby’s furniture today.” I smiled.

“So you know now which gender it will be?” Harry rose and eyebrow.

“No and I already told you I don´t want to know it. There’s  baby furniture you can use for a girl and a boy.”

I can´t believe that LboL has over 20k reads. Thats incredible!!!!! Also I can´t believe that this is already chapter 40. I mean 40 chapter full of bullshit! (I realised I didn´t used this word for a looooong time :D)

I just got the new Office 2013 for my Laptop becuase of my mums work( she got it for 13 euro instead of like 400!) and its so weird to use that. Everythings so bright and white :O

Anyways keep reading and voting and commenting guys. Bye.

Love Elena xx

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