Chapter 7

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 This is dedicated to ClaireRenee. She has written this amazing Peter Pan fanfic called: The Legend Lives On. Can you guys do me this small favor and check it out? All I ask is two votes for the next chapter, enjoy and tell me what you think in the comments below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My next class was biology in which I only had one Cullen in, Jasper. I walked in, making sure to extra block my scent and make me seem as human as possible. "Hello Miss. Red, I'm Mr. Bowie. It looks like all the seats are taken except for the one next to Mr. Jasper Cullen. You can sit there." he says gesturing towards the empty seat next to Jasper. I sigh, but give Mr. Bowie a smile, "Yes sir." I tell him as I sit next to him.

I feel his eyes piercing into my soul, I put a soft shield up so it won't rise any superstation and he won't be able to control my emotions. She looks so familiar, where do I know her from? I heard Jasper thinking to himself. Before I knew it the bell rang and I ran at an almost none human speed towards the door. I got to the hallway and went to my locker to get my workbook. As I was unlocking it a girl with spiky brown hair came over to me, Alice Cullen. "Hi, I'm Alice." she says as she shakes my hand, I smile, "Nice to meet you, I'm Melody." I tell her. She smiled, might as well start getting friendly with them soon. "Want to go shopping at five with my sisters and I?" she asks, I smile back at her, "Yeah sure, where do you want to meet? I have get my money at my house." I told her when really I was really thirsty. "Here, how bout you give me your phone number and you could call me and we will meet you where it's easier for you?" She asks, "Sounds great." I tell her as I give her my cell phone number. "Okay, I'll see you later." I tell her as I close my locker.

I walk out to the parking lot to my car, "Melody is going shopping with us." I heard Alice tell her sisters. "That's awesome Aunt Alice, I can't wait!" I hear Renesmee say all happily. I smile to myself and unlock my car and start it up and head to my house.

Once I get there I quickly park my car and walk out of my car and go for a short hunt. Once I was full, I returned home, "So how was your first day of school?" Aro asks me as I walk in. "Good, Jasper thought he recognized me though." I tell him, "Oh and I'm also going shopping with the Cullen girls at five o' clock." I tell him as I sit down next to him on the couch just as I hear my cell phone ring. I take it out of my pocket, UNKNOWN it says, must be Alice, I click the answer button. "Hello?" I ask, "Hey Melody, it's me Alice! I just wanted to tell you my sisters and I are heading towards your house." she says. "Okay, see you soon." I tell her as I hang up, I turn around to see Aro is gone. I sigh and before I know it I heard someone knocking at my door.

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