Chapter 22

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I will post when I can! (I expect a lot of votes) I hope you guys enjoy this!

Tell me in the comments below what you think is going to happen next chapter. Whoever guesses correctly (or close) will get a dedication on the final chapter!

Also, dedication to the amazing @HaileySmith743 go check out her stories!

One More Chapter and then the sequel!

When we had nothing else to do, the girls pull me up the steps to give me a makeover. Alice was doing my makeup when she dropped the brush, having one of her visions and of course I was pulled into it. I saw Aro making his way over to Forks with the entire Volturi with that evil smile of his. I looked over at Alice once I was pulled out of the vision, "They are going to be here tonight, they will come to June's house tonight." She says as soon as she is pulled out of the vision. The boys are upstairs within seconds and she tells them her vision, "Good thing you guys don't have school today or we would have been toast." Carlisle says. The girls quickly finish my makeup and put in these contacts that made my eyes look like their normal red. After that, they got me some black skinny jeans along with a blood red shirt and a Volturi cape and hood. "Perfect, you look like a true member of the Volturi." Alice said. I smile, "Thanks." we then all walk downstairs and I give everyone a final goodbye. I give Jasper the biggest hug I can, I love you. I tell him, I love you too June. he says. I give everyone else big hugs and when I hug Alice, she whispers in my ear, "We will try to change the future, I promise." she says. I smile, "See you guys later." I tell them as I run full speed towards my house.

When I get to my house, I nearly collapse on my couch. I was about to die and I knew it, might as well make the most of it I thought to myself. I sigh as I go to my room and take out my golden locket with the picture of my parents, Jasper, and I. I put it on and went hunting for the last time until I hear rustling behind me. I quickly jump up in the tree next to me, I look down to see Alice, so I go back down. "Hey Alice, you okay?" I ask her, she nods, "I'm just going to miss you so much." she says as she gives me one of her tight hugs. I smile, "I'll miss you too." I tell her, "Tell everyone that I love them and give this to Jasper." I tell her as I give her my locket. She gives me a smile, "I will." she says as I run off to my house.

When I get there I had a couple minutes to spare, so I touched up my makeup, fixed my contacts, and made sure I looked perfect. Once I was done, I heard someone knocking on my door, I sighed and said goodbye to my house and opened the door.

In my doorway was Aro, along with the rest of the Volturi. I bowed down to show my respect as they walked into my house one by one. When the last person walked in, I closed the door and sat down on my couch. "The question right now is, when should we attack?"Aro asks. Everyone thinks for awhile, "How about tonight?" Jane asks. "That sounds like a great idea Jane, we shall attack tonight." he says, "Now how are we going to get the Cullen's attention?" he asks with an evil grin.

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