Chapter 23 (The Last Chapter)

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Merry (early) Christmas! Make sure to read below once you are done reading, I have some special announcements and awards!

Later that Night

The plan was simple, Alec and Jane were going to go to the Cullen house and say if they ever wanted to see me again, that they should follow them. Then Alec and Jane would lead them to the field where I would be being kept "prisoner" and they would fight. Then I would get out and "betray" them. "It's the perfect plan, Alec, Jane, do your job." Aro says once the Volturi was in the field. Alec and Jane smile and run off towards the Cullen house, "Now, don't mess this up." Aro warns me.

Within seconds all the Cullen's are lined up and ready for battle, "Release her Aro!" Carlisle yells out. Aro just laughs, "I guess you will have to come get her." he says as he and the rest of the Volturi laugh. I look over to see Alice in a dream state, she must have had a vision. "Oh Alice dear, care to share your little vision with us?" Aro asks. Alice looks scared for once and I see Jasper trying to comfort her, What did she see? I ask Jasper. She saw you fighting with us and you killing Aro he says, I'm shocked, I would never do that unless it was completely necessary. "Oh Alice dear, unless you want to see Ms. Melody in pain. Jane, would you like to do the honors?" he asks. Jane walks up, "Pain." in seconds I am in pain, I feel like my life is being sucked out of me. "STOP!" Alice screams as the pain continues, "Will you show me the vision or would you like Jane to continue?" he asks. I swear the pain increased, "FINE, I'll show it to you!" she says as she slowly makes her way over to him, slowly the pain decreases, until it's completely over.

I feel my chains slowly release and I run in human speed towards the Cullen's and go straight to Jasper and wrapped in his comfort. For once in my life, I June Whitlock was scared. I felt a sudden wave of calmness, I looked up at Jasper and he gave me a smile. I looked up to the Volturi to see Aro holding Alice's fragile hand in his own. At first he looks normal, but then he looks how Alice does when she is having a vision. When he turns back to normal, he stares directly at me, "Bring me the girl." he whispers to the Volturi, but I hear it a little too fast.

Within seconds, I am being held by two vampires from the Volturi and taken to Aro and forced to kneel. I quickly stand up and attacked by two vampires, which I take down easily. "GET HER!!!" Aro yells, and like that all hell breaks loose. The Volturi and the Cullen's face to face, fighting, I hear someone behind me and quickly pull them to the side and use Jane's power on them and move on to the next one.

Within minutes, half of the Volturi is dead, with none of the Cullen's seem to be hurt at all. I smile, proud of us, when all of a sudden I feel pain seeking through my body. I look over to see Jane smiling at me while I feel it increasing through my body. I barely notice Aro walking over to me, he looks over at the Cullen's, "This is what you do when you betray the Volturi!" he walks over to me and makes me kneel. I feel his cold hands on my neck, I looked over at Jasper one more time and saw him holding my locket, I love you I say just as I'm surrounded by darkness.

To be continued...

Lol!! It's the end of The Whitlock Secret *evil laugh* I am only going to tell you one thing about the next one, (in my opinion) it's better then The Whitlock Secret. I'm not going to say anymore :). Comment below what you think the second one is going to be about! Whoever gets closest will get a dedication on one of the upcoming chapters. I will start posting the next story hopefully in a few days  (or very soon) and like this one I am just going to ask for votes and comments cause it's all written out already. So please PLEASE can you do three things for me? You will? Great!


1) Comment what your favorite part of this book was :)

2) Comment what you think is going to happen in the next book (dedication on who gets the closest)

And 3) What was your overview of this entire book? Be honest, if you don't like this one, I REALLY hope you will enjoy the second one :)

So that's all! It will mean a lot if you answer those questions for me :) Love you all and see you for the next book!!

The Whitlock Secret: Book 1 of The Whitlock Series (A Twilight Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now