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3 years ago

Niall's pov

I was home alone in my room when I heard the front door slam shut. My mom always does this, comes home late. She's usually drunk or high when she comes home. Ever since dad left, mom has gone crazy. I always hide in my room to protect myself from her wasted self. "NIALL JAMES HORAN, GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I groan at myself knowing what she's going to do. She's going to abuse me, like she has been. I still have a bruise on my chest from when she punched me a couple days ago. I don't tell the boys because I don't want them to worry, especially Liam. Liam always has to take matters into his own hands. But the thing is, I can't tell them. I became mute because of what she does to me. No one knows why. Whenever someone comes over to visit, she is always so cheerful and happy and talks about how great everything has been. But whenever someone leaves, she turns into the devil. I go downstairs and see she has a guy with her. She brings home a new guy every day. She then speaks up, "Niall, this is Paul. We just met at the bar." I can see the glimmer in her eyes as I know she has finally found someone to make her happy. I nod my head as I shake his hand. "Nice to meet you Niall." I nod my head again as I head back upstairs. "What's his problem,does he not like me?" "No, he is just shy when he meets new people. He'll butter up to you in no time." No I wouldn't. No one could ever replace dad. Mom was the reason dad left. I heard Paul say he has to leave and when the door shuts I hear my mom stomp her way up the stairs and slams my door open. She stomps over to me and grabs a handful of my hair and slaps me across the face. Maybe the glimmer in her eyes wasn't happiness, maybe she was just drunk as usual. She throws me back on the bed and starts calling me names. I feel tears start to we'll up in my eyes when she says, You are a disgrace to me. You are a burden, a mistake. I knew I should have gotten an abortion." She leaves and slams the door shut. I lay down and curl up in my covers and cry myself to sleep.

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