~Chapter 15~

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Zayn's pov

I decided to head up to see Niall. No, not the reason you're thinking of. I don't want to see Niall to see if he's ok.

I have something I want to discuss with him. And Sophia. I walk in and see her waiting in the lobby. "Hey Soph." She looks up at me and smiles. "Hey Zayn."

I look at her and see she has been 'crying'. "So, how was the act?" She gives me a defeated look. "He said he wouldn't let anyone get in the way of him and Niall. I tried my hardest Zayn, I really did."

I look down and shake my head. "It's ok Sophia. We have a plan b anyways." She smiles at me. "Well, I hope it works." She gives me an evil smirk and I return it. "Oh, it will."

I walk over the the receptionist. She looks to be in her late 20's with short brown hair and dull brown eyes. "Hello, how may I help you?" She sounds like she hasn't gotten any sleep within the last couple of days.

"I'm here to take home Niall Horan." She looks at her computer before responding back. "He is almost done with today's Chemo session so you will be able to. May I have a name please and some information please?"

She hands me a piece of paper and I fill it out and hand it back. "He is down the hall in room 243." I smile and nod my head. "Thank you."

I walk down the hall to the designated room and open it seeing Niall and his blue eyes brighter than usual. He looks at me and smiles. "Hey Zayn. What're you doing here?"

I look at him and smile back. "I'm here to take you home. Well, to my house. I feel bad for not visiting so I want to have a little sleepover." He smiles again, making my heart flutter.

"Yeah, sounds good. Almost done." The doctor finishes the last thing that needs to be done and releases Niall. I pull him into a tight hug, taking in his scent of lavender. It sounds weird, but it really suits him.

"You ready? Perrie and I broke up so, we have the house to ourselves." I told Perrie I had feelings for Niall and she took the news surprisingly well but said we should be friends because she doesn't want to feel used.

He gives me a sympathetic look. "Oh, I'm sorry mate." I smile at him. "It's not really a big deal. We are still friends." He nods his head. "Well, that's good."

We head out to the car and start the drive home. Niall tells me that Liam came to visit him yesterday and Sophia was there being all 'lovey-dovey' and that she got rejected by Liam.

I laughed it off but couldn't help but get a little bit jealous. The way his eyes light up when he says 'Liam' and how he shows the most perfect smile talking about him.

That's why I wanted bring Niall home with me today.

We finally reach my house and I help Niall out of the car and he smiles at me. "Thanks." My heart flutters again when he touches my hand. "No problem."

We get into the house when I sigh and set down my keys. Niall gives me a worried look. "Mate, you ok?" I nod at him. "Yeah, I'm fine." He pulls me to the couch and sets me down and sits next to me.

"Zayn, don't you dare lie to me and say you're ok when you obviously aren't. You're my best mate and I know when you are lying to me. So, tell me, what's wrong?"

I take in a deep breath before telling him, "I'm in love with you Niall." My voice breaks at the end and Niall gives me a shocked look.

"It's always been hard for me to even look at you and Liam because you guys are so... happy. But I want to be the person who makes you happy. Who you enjoy to cuddle with. Who you want to be with-"

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