~Chapter 17~

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The picture attached is Diego

Liam's pov

I was wondering if we could hang out at my place today? Xx Liam

I sent the text to Nico and waited for him to respond. I still haven't gotten over my feelings for Niall, but I was willing to try, knowing he doesn't love me anymore.

Yeah, sure! That would be great! See you in 10. ••Nico

I smile and put my phone down. We hung out the other day and he brought his dog over and his dog was scary at first, but turned out to be a sweetheart. He had a broken leg and I asked Nico what happened and he said he was walking Diego, the dog, and some kid threw a rock at him.

I was taken back at how someone could throw a rock at such a lovely dog. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I hear someone knock on the door. I opened the door and saw Nico standing there with Diego. I squatted down and patted Diego on the head. "Hi there, bud. How have you been?"

As I scratch behind his ears, I hear Nico cough. I look up at him and smile. "What about me?" I laugh and pull him into a hug. "How have you been, Nico?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Good now that I'm with you." I look away as I feel my face heating up. "Come on, let's go inside."

We walk into the house and I shut the door behind Nico. "So, what do you want to do?" He looks around the house and his eyes land on the PlayStation. He jumps up and down in excitement. "Do you have FIFA?" I look at the console and back at him and smirk. "Yes, but do you think you can beat the Champion of FIFA?"

He walks up to me and holds out his hand for me to shake. "Challenge accepted."


Nico left about two hours ago after out FIFA match, that I won, and Sophia walks in with tears in her eyes. I pull myself off the couch and stare at her in shock. She never cries. "Soph, what's wrong?" I walk over to her and pull her into a hug. "My boyfriend ch-cheated on me." I knew she had a boyfriend, but she never went into details about him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Sophia. I know how it feels." She sobs harder into my chest and I pull away and do something I immediately regret.

Harry's pov

After I made breakfast, with quite some difficulty because Louis was teasing me, I asked Louis if he wanted to go cuddle. "Of course I want to cuddle with you Hazza, I could cuddle with you all day and never get bored."

I smiled at the thought and picked Louis up bridal style and carried him up to my room, Louis giggling the whole way. I place him down gently on the bed and pull my sweatpants off and slip in under the covers. Louis pulls his shirt and pajama pants of and climbs in bed after me.

Louis pulls me into his arms and kisses my curls. "I love you Hazza. I love you so much. I hate being away from you. If you are happy, I'm happy. If your sad, I'm sad. I love how you always make me laugh and on Valentine's Day when I made you chicken stuffed with mozzarella cheese wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mashed potatoes, I was so happy you liked that. That was the first meal I have ever cooked. I wanted to make it special."

I giggled at the thought when Louis almost burnt the chicken. "You almost caught the house on fire." He gasps and chuckles. "Maybe I would have been paying attention if you weren't snogging the daylights out of me!" We laugh for a couple minutes before I let out a yawn.

"I'm tired Lou." Louis looks at me and pulls a curl out of my face. "Ok, we can go to bed." I look up at him and smile. "I love you Lou." Louis looks at me with the smile that stole my heart.
"I love you too, Hazza."

Niall's pov

I hated myself. I hated the fact that I lied to Zayn about my feelings when he obviously has feelings for me. I decided to go explain everything to Liam.

He'll listen to me hopefully, but afterwards, I have to go to the hospital for my Chemo session.

I stop buy the grocery store and grab a bouquet of flowers and head over to Liam's. When I get there, I feel this sinking feeling in my stomach.

Maybe I should wait, I think to myself. I decide to fight the thought and I head up to the door and knock. I wait a couple of seconds, but no one answers the door. I move the place mat and grab the spare key and unlock the door.

I step inside and close the door. I walk into the living room and my heart drops.

I see Sophia pushed against the wall with Liam's tongue down her throat. She opens her eyes and smirks as best as she could through the kiss and wraps her hands around Liam's neck as he slides his hands up her shirt.

I lean up against the wall and knock down a picture frame. And this pulls Liam out of his trance and he smiles, smiles, at the bitch who is stealing Liam away from me.

He pecks Sophia on the lips again before he looks over to see me standing there and his smile is immediately wiped off his face.

"H-Hey Niall, wasn't expecting you here." I scoff at him and roll my eyes. "Obviously." I see the hurt flash through Liam's face and I see his eyes land on the flowers. "Who are those for?"

I look down at the flowers and almost respond with you, but I respond differently instead. I smirk and look up at Liam. "They're for Zayn, because he obviously loves me and I love him." The words felt like acid coming out of my mouth because they weren't true and immediately regretted the words.

Liam looks down at the floor with tear filled eyes. "Oh," was all he said. "I was just stopping by to see how you were doing and I see you are... doing fine." I look at Sophia and see her smirk behind Liam. "Yes we are, aren't we babe?" Liam shakes his head and whimpers. "I'm going to bed." He stalks his way out of the room and to his room.

Sophia smirks at me. And I wish I could slap that smirk off her ugly face.

"Just give up, it looks like I already won Horan."


Ohmygosh, I'm so sorry I took forever to update! I've been so busy lately. But here's another update for you guys. It's short and boring, and I'm sorry!

Remember to comment if you have any questions. I won't bite.

Hope you enjoy.

Lots of love. Xx

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