~Chapter 16~

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Liam's pov

I was so upset, that when I got home, I let Sophia pull me into a hug. "Hey, hey, shhh baby. It's ok. It's ok." I let out a few choked sobs before letting all the tears flow out.

She backs up and puts her fingers under my chin so I'm looking into her eyes. "Hey, it's ok. It's just a little crush. I can set you up with someone else." She smiles and me and I can tell it's sincere.

"I-I don't know. I've never really liked anyone besides Niall." Once his name came out of my mouth, I broke down to tears again.

"Just... let me introduce him to you. Please? He's a good friend of mine. Let me call him up now, ok?" I look at her for a few seconds before nodding my head.

"Ok, might as well try." I smile at her. "Thanks for doing this Soph." She looks at me and smiles. "No problem hun."


"Are you sure he's coming?" I ask for the millionth time. Sophia shakes her head and laughs. "Yes, he'll be here. He's just - walking in now actually."

I look up and gasp at what I see. There is a burly guy and I see a set of shiny, grey eyes looking at me. He had thin lips and a crooked nose. His jawline and cheekbones were very defined and he had broad shoulders, probably from lifting weights.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I see Sophia smirking at me. "Told you you would like him."

I see the burly guy stop in his tracks and look me up and down. He then continues his way over and looks at Sophia.

"So this is him, the guy you've been talking about?" His voice was very deep and low, it sent shivers down my spine. But not the hot shivers I get from Niall.

He then looked me up and down and I payed more attention to his face and I noticed he had a scar on his left cheek.

"How did you get that scar?" He looks at me and smiles. "I was in a fight and some guy pulled a knife out and sliced my face."

I nod at him, imagining him in a street fight. "Interesting."

We all end up talking for a while before Sophia and I need to head to the house.

I get up from my chair and I am about to walk away when I feel a hand grab my upper arm. I turn around and see the man's grey eyes looking at me and I notice I haven't caught his name.

"Want to go out again sometime? And my name's Nico. I forgot to mention it because my mind drew a blank looking at your beautiful face."

He gives me a look I can't quite decipher and I feel myself blush. "Yeah sure. And I'm Liam." He looks at me with kindness and laughs. "I know who you are."

I laugh with him for a little bit before he asks for my number. I give it to him and tell him to text me when he gets home.

Maybe, just maybe, I might be able to get over Niall.

Louis' pov

I was so mad at Eleanor when she kissed me. She knows I've never liked her and I never will. She knows I don't like girls. I haven't liked a single girl or thought one was even attractive when I met Harry.

He was just so adorable and sweet, it seemed like all the light in the room shined on him. He was my angel. My Hazza.

I decided to get up early and make everyone breakfast. I headed to the kitchen and gasped in surprise already seeing Harry there whisking a bowl of batter for pancakes.

"Hey Hazza." He jumps and puts his hand over his heart. "Jesus Lou, you scared me." I laugh at him. "I'm sorry. Well, actually, maybe I'm not." I decide to tease him.

He rolls his eyes and chuckles before going back to whisking. His shirt is off so I go up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. I then take my hands and trail them down his chest and hear him take a sharp intake of breath.

He doesn't turn around and that made me frown. So I took my hands and placed them in his bum and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"L-Lou, can you get the m-milk for m-me?" I chuckle at him and squeeze his bum again before walking over to the fridge and getting the gallon of milk out.

He looks at me and I see his face is red from blushing. He grabs the milk and mutters a thanks. I chuckle at him and after he pours the milk into the batter, I spin him around so he's facing me.

I stare at his beautiful, green eyes and smile. I then place a soft kiss on his lips before he pulls me into his body and hugs me.

"I love you so much Lou."

"I love you too Hazza. You're my angel, remember that. Now, let's finish these pancakes, I'm starving!"

Zayn's pov

I watched Liam and Niall shout back and forth before Liam pulled away. I backed away from the window and sat on the couch and bit my lip so it made me 'cry'.

Niall walks in with a hurt look on his face and he sees me and sits next to me.

"Zayn, what's wrong? Why are you upset."

I shake my head and continue to make myself cry. "Zayn, please tell me. I love you and I want to know."

My heart skipped a beat and I almost smiled but remembered I was putting on an act. "I-I just ruined w-what ever you h-h-had with L-Liam."

I make myself sob harder and feel Niall pull me into his chest. "It's ok Zayn it doesn't matter now. I love you now Zayn. You and no one else."

I look up at him and smile. He takes his thumb to wipe my 'tears' away before he kisses me lightly.

"I love you so much Niall, but if you want him-"

He puts his pointer finger over my lips to keep me from talking. "Zayn, it's ok. I'm done with him anyways because he has a girlfriend." I smile st him.

"Oh yeah, I guess that wouldn't work." We giggle a little bit before he places another kiss on my lips.

"Yeah, it wouldn't because I don't like him. I like you." He giggles a little bit and turns a bright shade of red.

I stand up and yawn. "It's been a long day. Do you want to stay here or do you want me to take you home?"

He looks up and me and smiles. "I want to stay." I smile at him. "Well, you can take the bed and I'll sleep on the couch."

I go to grab a blanket when I see Niall frowning at me. "What's wrong?" I see him frown a little more. "I wanted to stay with you."

I feel my face heat up. "O-ok. Sure." I grab his hand and he smiles as a lead him to my bedroom. I throw off my shirt and slip on a pair of shorts when I look at Niall and see him turn away and blush.

"Like what you see, huh?" I laugh at him and he laughs back. "No, you are disgusting. Why would you think that?" He giggles and pulls off his shirt and pants.

"Um, do you have any shorts I can borrow?" I look him up and down and smile. "Just get in bed."

He nods his head and makes his way to the bed. "By the way, I'm a cuddler, so nows your last chance to tell me to go to the couch." He laughs and I smile at him. "It's ok. I like to cuddle."

And with that, I pull Niall to my chest and fall asleep.


Sorry this chapter is so boring and I took forever to update. I was at a competition this weekend and the hotel WiFi sucked. But I would like to know more about you.

If you play a sport or have a favorite, tell me. I promise I won't bite. xD

Mines gymnastics. Well, that's all for now. I hope you are enjoying the story.

Lots of love. Xx

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