~Chapter 12~

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Liam's pov

I waited for Niall's mom to come up to the hospital. When I saw her, I ran up to her and pulled her into a tight hug, not letting her go.

When I finally released her, she looked at me and smiled, and this time, I could tell it was a genuine smile.

"Thank you Liam. Thank you for being here for Niall. He favors you out of all the boys, just don't tell him I told you." She winks at me and I could feel my cheeks heat up. "No problem, he needs someone to be there, whether it's you or me or a crazed fan," I chuckle at the thought of a crazed fan in his room. "He needs someone to love him."

We walk over to the desk and she signs the slip Dr. Howard needed signed. She sighs and says, "I just feel like I've been such a terrible parent. I've been hitting him Liam. It's all my fault. I don't try too, it's just, I... I feel broken." I look at her and sigh while running a hand through my hair. "I know, but you need to take it easy on him right now. He doesn't need to be shouted at at this moment." She looks up at me. "I know. Thank you Liam. And I know his feelings towards you, you may have broken his heart, but you can earn it back. With a little patience, he'll be yours in no time." She smiles at me. "Now, I would like to see my son."


"Niall, you need to eat your food!" I laugh at him as he moves his face to avoid the spoonful of greenbeans. He pouts and sticks his lip out. He then starts to yawn and I take the moment to shove the spoon into his mouth. He closes his mouth and his eyes squeeze shut with disgust.I hear his mom chuckle a bit behind me. "Now, now Niall. You need to eat your veggies to grow up and be nice and strong." He glares at her.

I chuckle at him. Niall and his mom have been getting along pretty well lately. She took the news better than I thought. Yeah, there was a few tears, but she was there to fully support her son through thick and thin. She even stated she would shave her head to make a wig for Niall if he lost his hair. He kept shaking his head at her, inclining it wasn't necessary but she insisted and he finally caved in, giving his mom a loving hug. I would take turns with Niall's mom on the days we got to see him, switching every other day.

It was nice seeing that Niall was getting along with his mom. She became more compassionate to him and he could see the difference and started to mumble a few words here and there. Every time he said something, we would reward him with a piece of cake. Yeah, we were spoiling him, but it was nice to hear him talk.

After a while Dr. Howard came in asking Niall questions.

"Hello Niall. How are you today?" Niall looks at Dr. Howard with a smile plastered on his face. "Fine." The doctor looks at Niall and smiles. "Well, we would like to know, if it is ok to start Chemo now." Niall gives him a confused look. "Chemo?" I feel my face pale. We totally forgot to tell Niall that he has Leukemia.

"Yes, you have Leukemia. Did Liam not tell you yet?" Niall looks over at me and crosses his arms. "No, he did not." The doctor gives me a look I can't quite make out. "Well, I'll let you two talk, I'll wait outside." He walks out the door and Niall's face gets red with anger. "Leukemia! And you didn't tell me!?" I give him a sorry look. "I was caught up in the moment of you being awake and talking that I... forgot." Once I said forgot, I wanted to take it back. "Forgot! How could you forget to tell someone they are sick! Does my health not matter?" I was surprised at all the words coming out of Niall's mouth. "I... I didn't mean too. And your health is what's important right now." He glares at me. "Apparently not enough to actually tell me I'm sick. Get out Liam." He points to the door. "I'm sorry Ni-" He glares at me and narrows his eyes. "I'm said get out!" I sigh and stand up. Before I leave I say, "I do love you Niall, I want you to know that." And with that I slipped out the door.


I walked into my house, seeing Sophia sitting on the couch in sweatpants that were way too big on her. Wait, those were my sweatpants! I look down at her. "What are you wearing?" She looked at me and smiled. "Your sweatpants, duh. We're dating, I get to use your clothes." I scoff at her. "First off, we aren't even dating. Secondly, you don't get to take my clothes whenever you want." She stands up and starts walking towards me. Every step she takes towards me, I take a step back until I run into a wall. She puts her chest up against me and runs her hand down my chest until she reaches my waist. "Well, maybe this will change your view on me." She then slams her lips into me. She's a good kisser but I've kissed better. I push her off me. "What the bloody hell!? Why did you do that!?" She smirks at me. "Because I like you Liam. A lot. Don't you like me?" When she says this, she bats her eyelashes at me. I answer her sarcastically. "Of course." But, I'm guessing she takes it seriously for she slams her lips into mine once again. I, once again, push her off me before she could slip her tongue into my mouth. "I didn't mean it, Sophia. I love someone else. You're a beard remember? You're my fake girlfriend." I wink at her and see the pain flash in her eyes when I turn around and walk into my room.

Harry's pov

I put the last of my things in the bed of Sasha's truck when I realize I don't have my phone. "I forgot my phone, I'll be right back." I run back to the house and pull the door open and see Louis snogging the lights out of... Elise? Elli? I can't remember. My gut burns of jealousy but I quickly push it away. Louis looks up at me and his beard looks at me and smirks while kissing him again.

I roll my eyes and ask, "Has anyone seen my phone?" Louis breaks away and stands up. He walks towards me and pulls me into a hug. I can see the hint of jealousy in his beard's eyes and I awkwardly ask, "Uhh, Lou? What are you doing?" He looks me in the eyes and his normally bright, blue eyes are dark and clammy. "I'm sorry Hazza. I love you and I really hate myself for doing what I did-" His beard then speaks up.

"No he doesn't, you should of heard the way he was screaming my name." He turns around and glares at her. "What the hell Eleanor!?" She looks at him and shrugs. I push my way around Louis into what was our room and before I could shut the door, Louis slips in, closing it and locks the door. I sigh. "What do you want Louis?" He looks at me hungrily. "I want you to forgive me. If I didn't love you, would I be kissing you like this?" Before I can respond, Louis smashes his lips into mine.

I pull away and Louis' face flashes with hurt. "I don't know what to believe anymore Louis." I look at the dresser and find my phone before walking out. Sasha must have seen my distressed look for she gave me a questioning. "I'm fine."

Although, I knew I wasn't.


We get to Sasha's house and her girlfriend, Jesica, is waiting. Sasha explained that she already told Jesica that I was staying with them now. Once we got my stuff inside, I thanked Sasha and Jesica before I feel something poke me in the bum. I turn around and see a black and white husky with bright blue eyes that look a lot like Louis', look at me.

Ohmygosh, what am I thinking?! Im trying to forget him!

I lean down and pet the dog on the head and she closes her eyes and let's her tongue hang out of her mouth.

"This is Franz. She must really like you." I hear Jesica chuckle. "Franz? I like it." After I stand back up, we go ahead and unpack my stuff. "Thanks again, for everything." Jesica looks at me. "No problem. We are all about helping people."

I chuckle and think,

Wow, I think I might be just fine without Louis.

Little did I know, I was wrong.

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