~Chapter 18~

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Niall's pov

"Just give up, it looks like I already won Horan."

I look at Sophia and keep myself from lunging at her. "Why would I give up? I'm a fighter, not a quitter. I'll do anything to win him back." Sophia chuckles at me and walks past me into the kitchen. I follow her in and she takes out two glasses and pours some wine into them and hands me one.

"Can't you see, he's happy. With me. Why can't you see that? And you want to know something he told me?" I nod my head and take a sip of my wine. She walks over to me and whispers in my ear, her breath causing me to shiver. "He says I'm a better kisser anyway."

I gasp and almost drop my glass. I scold at her and I'm about to yell at her when my phone rings.


"Niall, where are you? You're late for your Chemo session."

I look at the clock and see it's 4:50 and my session started at 4:30.

"Oh shit. I got carried away. I'm on my way."

I hang up the phone and glare at Sophia. "This little 'war' we are having over Liam, is far from over." And with that, I turn on my heel and walk out the door.


I walk, well run, into the hospital waiting room and go up to the receptionist. "Hey, I'm late for my Chemo session." The lady looks at me and smiles. "It's ok. Down the hall, take a left and go to room 267."

I nod at the lady and say thank you. I walk down the hall to the designated room and open the door to see the doctor comforting my mum, who was in tears.

The doctor looks at me and I see sympathy flash through his eyes. "What's going on?" The doctor lets go of my mum before addressing me. "Please take a seat Mr. Horan." I look at the doctor in confusion.

"We got your blood samples back today and it looks like the cancer has gotten worse. We are going to need to up the dosage and see if that's effective. Are you ok with that?" I look at the doctor in shock and nod my head. "Yeah, whatever it takes to make me better again."

"There are going to be more symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, confusion, short-term memory loss, and your hair is going to fall out at a more rapid pace." I nod at the doctor again. "Ok, it's ok. Let's just get this session done."

Sophia's pov

It was great to see the pain in that weak boy. It means that I was doing my job right, and after this little session, he would go running to Zayn.

Liam walks out of his room while I'm still in the kitchen drinking my glass of wine. "Hey babe." He looks up at me with a sad look in his eyes but doesn't respond. He looks in the fridge and I know immediately what he's looking for.

"We're out of beer, babe." He slams the fridge door shut and glares at me. "Please, do not call me 'babe'. Did Niall leave?"

I try and pull off a look of sympathy. "Yeah, he said some rude things about you too." This makes him turn back towards me with shock in his eyes. "Niall, he wouldn't hurt a fly." I shake my head and look back at Liam. "Well, this time he did."

Liam looks at me with curiosity in his eyes. "What did he say?" I sigh and ask, "Do you really want to know?" He nods his head, urging me to go on.

"He said you are the absolute, worst person he has ever met and he wishes for you to be out of the band and that you were a terrible kisser and Zayn has more skill in bed than you do. He said how you were just a complete waste of time and that he should have never liked you. He said he would rather go out with some manwhore than go out with you ever again. He said-" Liam puts his hand up and yells. "Stop! Please. I-I can't believe he said all these things about me."

He starts to break down in front of me and I sigh at my victory. I walk over to Liam and rub his back. "Hey, it's going to be all right. You know what, I'll go and get you some beer." I grab my keys and head out the door. As I get in the car, I chuckle at myself.

"Try and get yourself out of this Horan."

Liam's pov

I've been sitting on the couch for about 15 minutes when I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open the door thinking it's Sophia needing help, but instead, it's the last person I want to see.

Niall is standing there with his shoulders slumped and a dead look in his eyes. He looks up at me and smiles a little bit. "Hey Liam, can I-" I stop him before he can continue. "No, I don't want to talk to you Niall." I see the pain flash through his eyes before he responds.

"Why not?" I give him a disgusted look because he wants me to talk to him after he said all those me things about me. "You really expect me to forgive you after you said all those mean things about me? Really Niall, I thought you were better than this."

He gives me a look of shock, confusion, and pain. "What are you talking about Liam? I never said anything about you."

"Really? You didn't say I was the absolute worst person you ever met. Or that I was a terrible kisser and Zayn has better skills in bed than I do. Or-" Niall interrupts me before I can say more. "What are you talking about? I never said anything. Why would I even say those things when I love you?"

I stare about Niall when everything clicks. "Ohmygod, Sophia she told me... I can't believe I was that stupid to believe her."

Niall looks at me with wide eyes. "She told you I said mean things about you? She told me things about you too. She said you guys were happy together and that she was a better kisser than me."

I stare at Niall in shock, and then I pull him into a hug. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let her get to me. What did you need to tell me?" He pulls away and looks down with tears in his eyes.

"My-my cancer isn't getting better and they had to up the amount of Chemo they give me." He starts to cry and I pull him back into my arms. I rub his back and kiss his forehead. "I will always be there for you Niall, please remember that."

After I say that, I hear the door open. "Babe, I got your beer." Sophia walks into the kitchen and sees me and Niall and her face pales. "Oh, I-I didn't know he was here." I pull away from Niall and put him behind me and glare at her. "Get out." She looks at me and chuckles. "Babe, you can't believe everything he says. You're happy with me, not him."

I growl and point my finger at her. "No, you're wrong. I can't believe anything you say and I'm happy with him, not you. Now, get out."

She rolls her eyes and walks out. I turn around and pull Niall into a kiss. "I love you and I missed you, more than you know Niall." He smiles and kisses me back. "I love you too Liam."


Hey guys, tell me what you think of the story so far! Don't you just love Sophia right now? xD

I already have the end of the story planned and you may or may not hate me.

Ask questions if you need to!

Hope you enjoy.

Lots of love. Xx

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