~Chapter 7~

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Niall's pov

"Hey Niall, I need to take a shower real quick. Will you be okay out here?" I look at Zayn and nod at him but keeping my eyes down. Zayn smiles awkwardly before going into the bathroom and locking the door. I'm about to sit on the couch when I hear a knock on the door. I go up to the door and answer it and I gasp. Liam is standing there with red, puffy eyes and tear stains down his cheeks. Then my face starts to turn red from anger. I glare at him and start to close the door, but before it could shut, Liam stops it with his hand.

"Look Niall, we really need to talk. And I'm not leaving before we do." I glare at him but I give up and let him in. I sit on one side of the room while he sits in the other. I prepare myself for the oncoming story. "I'm really sorry Niall, but let me explain the whole situation. I've never told any of the boys this, but I was depressed. I was depressed because I thought I would never be with you. So when I woke up that morning, I wanted to have a drink or two to celebrate. I ended up getting drunk and fucking Danielle had to be there and she-" He chokes on a sob. "-and she took me upstairs even though I was trying to push her off me and I couldn't and she took my shirt off and that's when you walked in." He starts to sob and tears fall down his cheeks. "And I felt terrible because I broke your heart. Your beautiful, perfect heart. And I know I can't be the one to fix it because I'm the one who broke it." I'm sitting on the couch with my mouth wide open from what he said. "And I understand why you would hate me now. I don't deserve your love. I don't deserve someone like you. You were so perfect and I broke you and I'm scared to look at you because I know you see me as a monster and not the real me anymore. I know that and it breaks my heart, but I guess I deserve it." He begins to walk out the door when I stand up and catch his arm and turn him around. I look into his chocolate brown eyes I fell in love with. I pull him into a hug and when I pull away, I kiss him. It's not a rushed kiss, nor was it a passionate one. But it was to let him know I was thankful he told me the story. It doesn't mean I forgave him at the moment, but it was enough for him to understand. He nods at me and walks back to his car.

Liam's pov

I get in my car and drive away when I get a call from management.


"Am I speaking to Liam Payne?"


"Well, Liam, is there anyone in the room with you?"

"No, I'm all by myself."

"Ok. Well we have good news."

"And what's the good news exactly?"

"We found you a new girlfriend!"

"What? How is that good news? And why do I need a beard, I'm perfectly fine."

"Well, it's been 3 years since you have had one and we think you need one so no one finds out about your sexuality."

"Why do I need a fucking beard? Why does it matter that I'm gay?"

"It matters to us. If anyone finds out you or one of the boys are gay, you guys will go down the drain."

"No we wouldn't! We've got amazing fans who support us!"

I was getting furious. I hated Modest! because they hated that we were gay. But we are happy that way, why can't they accept that?

"It doesn't matter Liam. You are getting a beard and her name is Sophia."

"Sophia who?"

"Sophia Smith. And don't worry, Louis is getting one too. Have a nice day Liam."

I hear the click indicating they hung up. I get to my house and go in. I walk in and see some chick sitting on my couch.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" She looks at me and gives me the creepiest smirk I have ever seen. "I'm Sophia. You know, your new girlfriend." I look are her and clear my head. I automatically didn't like her. Her lips were too big, and her hair didn't suit her at all. Her voice had that annoying ring to it and she put on way too much perfume I thought I was going to suffocate.

"How did you get in my house?" She looks at me and holds up a key. "Management gave me a key." She gets up and starts heading down the hall to my room. I follow her into my room where she has already unpacked her things. "What are you doing?" She walks behind me and closes the door. She then walks over to the bed and takes her shirt off and walks towards me and presses her chest to mine. She bites her lip and says, "Getting ready to have some fun with my boyfriend." She puts her hands behind her back and gets ready to unclip her bra. "What? I don't even know who you are and you already want to fuck me? What's wrong with you?" I open the door and turn around.

"And for your information, I don't like whores."

Harry's pov

I unlock my phone and go onto Twitter and see Lou has posted something and I read the tweet.

@skyleridk How's this, Larry is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard of. I'm happy why can't you accept that.

I stare at the tweet and breakdown right as Louis walks into the room. He gasps when he sees me crying. "Hazza what's wrong?" I push him off of me and turn my back to him. "Harry? Are you okay love?" I turn to him and my sadness turns to anger. "So, our relationship is just a load of bullshit, huh? I'm a load of bullshit? We, are a load of bullshit? Is that what you think?" Louis looks at me like he just witnessed me kill someone. "What are you talking about Hazza? I don't think we are bullshit. I love you." I scoff at him and show him the tweet. "Apparently you don't." And I walk out the room. Louis comes after me. "Hazza wait, let me explain atleast!" I turn around and look at him. "What is there to explain? The tweet already said it, you don't love me." The look on Louis' face shows that he's upset and I don't understand the whole situation. "They made me do it Harry, I couldn't say no." And he starts to sob. Because I see me Loubear crying my anger turns to compassion. "Who? Who made you do it?" He looks up at me and says the word I didn't want to hear. "Management." I walk over towards Louis and pull him into a nice hug. "Oh Louis. I'm so sorry I went off on you. I am. I still love you Lou." He takes a deep breath and looks at me. "It's ok Hazza. I would have done the same thing. I would have."

****No hate intended on Sophia. Keep in mind it's just a story and she is meant to be hated on by Liam. It will be the same with Eleanor and Louis****

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