~Chapter 8~

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Liam's pov

I'm sitting on the couch when Sophia stomps out of my room. I look at her and watch as she stomps her way over to me and slaps me across the face. I was surprised by the sudden moment even though I could see it coming.

"What was that for?" She looks at me and glares. "You called me whore!" I stand up now and grab my jacket and keys and start walking towards the door. "Well, you kinda are one." She gasps and asks me, "How? How am I a whore?" As she asks the question she crosses her arms over her body. "You wanted to fuck me and I don't even know who you are." Before she could reply, I walk out the door. I walk to my car and when I get in, I text Niall.

Want to go to the mall today? I want to take you to apologize for everything. Xx Liam

It's just a few seconds before Niall reply back.

Sure, why not? See you in 10. Xx Niall

I smile at myself before I head on over to Niall's. I knock on the door and Mrs. Horan answers. "Why hello Liam, it's nice to see you. Come in, come in." I thank her and head into the living room and sit down on the couch. Niall's mum heads into the kitchen and returns with two cups of tea. "What are doing here today Liam?" She asks this while taking a sip of her tea. "Oh, well, I was going to take Niall to the mall today." She smiles at me. "Well, he's in the shower. You can go upstairs and wait for him." I thank her for the tea and head to Niall's room. When I get to his room, I hear the water stop running. I decide to play a joke on Niall and hide in his closet.

I see Niall coming around the corner and I jump out of the closet and scare him. "Boo!" He jumps and his towel falls off his hips. But before I could see anything, he picks up the towel and re-wraps it around his waist and glares at me. I start to laugh really hard and I fall down on the ground. Niall looks at me and smiles. He grabs his clothes and motions me to go wait outside. I put on my pouty face but I end up losing the battle and standing outside.

When he comes outside, he looks absolutely stunning wearing his usual white t-shirt and black skinnies with his usual white converse. But he has a leather jacket to go with his outfit and his hair is now more dark brown than blonde. "I love your hair Ni." I say that and slap my hand over my mouth. He looks at me and smiles.

We go downstairs and head to my car and I walk to the passenger side and open the door for Niall. He smiles at me before getting in. I then walk around the front of the car and when we pull out of the driveway I say, "We actually aren't going to the mall." He looks at me with a puzzled expression. "It's a surprise." I smile at him and he smiles back.

We are driving up a dirt road when I finally stop. I turn the car off and get out and walk over to Niall's side of the car and open the door. Before he starts wandering off like he usually does, I grab his hand and spin him around. "Hold on silly. I'm going to blindfold you so you can't see where we are going." He looks at me like I'm crazy while I grab the bandana I brought along. He ends up turning around so I can blindfold him. I take him around the back of the car and keep on walking until I see where the path of flower petals start. I had Harry and Louis come up here and make everything perfect for my "make-up date" with Niall. I take the blindfold off and his jaw drops a little bit. I take his hand and walk through the path of flower petals until we reach the gazebo with lights and flowers all around. In the middle of the gazebo, is some sandwiches and fruit and chocolate and everything Niall loves. He looks at me with excited eyes and starts running towards the gazebo. The first thing he puts on his plate is a big piece of chocolate cake. I laugh and say, "Niall, that's for dessert." He pouts and puts the piece of cake back.

After we finished eating, I took him to a clearing in the tress and laid down a blanket I brought with me. I lay down and he follows and ends up tripping over himself and falling on top of me, making us chest to chest. I blush and look away as he pulls himself off me. "Hey, it's ok Niall. Everyone falls. And when I say everyone, I mean, everyone. I fell going down the stairs today. Going down. And there was a mob of fans behind me. Talk about embarrassing." I start laughing and he smiles at me. We star gaze a little longer before I say, "I brought a tent. Want to put it up?" He jumps up and nods his head and runs back to the beginning of the path and I lead him to the car.

We grab the tent and start putting it together. After we put it up, we head back to the car to get extra clothes I packed. And as we make our way back, it starts to rain. We sprint our way back to the tent and hop inside. We are both wet and take our shirts and pants off. I don't realize I'm staring at Niall until he waves his hand in my face. I blush and look away and put a shirt on. I turn to look at Niall to ask him something when lips crash into mine. I push myself into the kiss until I remember I'm "dating" Sophia. I pull away and Niall gives me a confused look. "I-I forgot to tell you that I have a girlfriend." After I say that, Niall looks at me with his mouth open and then gets up and walks out the tent. I try to grab his hand but he pulls away and runs into the forest. "Niall! Wait! Come back! Let me explain!" After this point, I don't know where he is and head back to the tent and wait for him to return.


It was about midnight when I hear someone enter the tent. I re-adjust myself enough to see that it's Niall. He finds his sleeping bag, unrolls it and gets in. And before I fell asleep, I thought I could hear him crying. And the sound of him crying, broke my heart even more.

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