~Chapter 1~

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Niall's pov

I was sitting in my room like usual when I got a text from Harry.

Hey Nialler, wanna come over tonight? All the boys will be here. Xx Harry

Sure Harry. Be over in 15. Xx Niall

I got up and took off my pajama pants and put on a pair of dark blue skinnies, a white shirt, and my normal white converse. I texted my mom and said I was going to Harry's.

Going to Harry's. See you tomorrow. Xx Niall

I walk out the door and get in my car. I back out of the driveway and head on over to Harry's.

When I arrive at his house and knock on the door, Liam answers. My heart skips a beat. He looks nice tonight wearing a black shirt and black skinnies with black combat boots. "Hey Ni, glad you came." I nod and look away as I feel my face heat up. I have had a major crush on my bestfriend ever since I auditioned for the X-Factor. Those dark brown eyes that remind me of melted chocolate, and that wonderful smile that made all your problems disappear. That was what made me fall in love with him. But of course no one knew that. No one could know that I was gay or that I liked Liam. That would ruin my reputation and definitely get me kicked out of the house. "Hey Nialler, glad you could make it." I hear Harry say. I nod at him as I sit on the couch. Liam comes and sits down next to me and I get butterflies in my stomach. Since I can't talk, I text Harry and ask what movie we are watching. "We are going to watch Titanic, if that's ok with all you guys." He scans the room and all of us nod. Zayn speaks up and says, "Hold on, I need to go get a couple of boxes of tissues from my car. I'll be right back." As he leaves, Louis gets up to go to the bathroom. I'm surprised Louis and Harry weren't talking to eachother. Did they get in a fight? I hope not. They are such a cute couple. Zayn and Louis walk in the room at the same time and Harry puts the movie in. As the movie starts, I feel Liam put his arm around me. My face starts to heat up and I look at him out of the corner of my eye and take in his beautiful features. His defined cheekbones, his long lashes, his firm lips. I start to heat up in the face again so I focus my attention to the movie. This is going to be a very emotional night.

Liam's pov

When I answered the door and saw Niall standing there, my jaw almost dropped. He looked very beautiful in the moonlight. When the movie started I couldn't help but look at the blonde, Irish boy. I thought to myself,

Why won't you talk? I miss your voice Ni.

No one in the group knew why Niall all of sudden became mute. He seemed like he had such a wonderful life at home with his mom. As far as I knew, he had no problems. He's been mute for 3 years and no one can figure out why. All I know is that he has to text people or write on a piece of paper what he wants to say. That must be hard for him for when he has to give long answers. And he can't start conversations because other people are talking and don't know he wants to talk.

As we're watching the end of the movie, I see a tear fall on Niall's cheek. I take my thumb and brush the tear off his cheek. I then reach over and grab a tissue and give it to him so he can blow his nose.

When the movie ends I ask Niall if he wants to go home. He then takes out his phone and texts me.

Thanks, but I can't leave my car here. My mom will freak. Xx Niall

"It's ok, you can get it tomorrow. I'll bring you back up." He then slowly nods and we say goodbye to the boys. I head over to my car and open the door for Niall. He smiles and slides into the car. God, that smile. It's so perfect. I then walk around to the drivers side and start the car. As we pull away I ask, "Did you like the movie Ni?" He nods his head yes. "I did too, even though it was very emotional." He nods his head again and looks out the window. I sigh. I wish he could talk again. The rest of the ride home is silent. I pull into the driveway and Niall and I get out of the car. As we reach the doorstep, I give Niall a hug and inhale his scent. I then give him a kiss on the top of his forehead. "I had fun tonight. We should do that again, except just me and you." He nods his head and opens the door. He turns around and waves. "Goodnight Ni." I turn around and walk to my car. I get in and drive away.

Niall's pov

When Liam said he wanted to have a movie night together I couldn't resist. And I still felt warm where his lips touched my forehead. I can't believe I got a kiss from Liam. As I closed the door, I heard my mom ask, "Niall?" Oh man, I forgot I told her I was staying at Harry's and I would see her tomorrow. She walks out of the kitchen with swollen lips. "I thought you were staying at Harry's?" I get out my phone and text her.

He had other plans so I had to come home. Xx Niall

When I send the text, I hear and cough come from the kitchen. Paul then walks out into the living room. "Hey Niall." I wave my hand and head upstairs to my room. I walk over to my closet and grab my pajama pants and take my shirt off. I walk downstairs and see my mom and Paul. "I've got to go." He then leans down and gives my mom a kiss. "Bye Paul." My mom closes the door. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE COMING HOME? PAUL WAS GOING TO STAY!" I sigh and look down at the ground. My mom walks over and I look up and she punches my right eye. My eyes start watering as she throws more punches. "I hate you. You're such a faggot. Why did you even come into my life?! I hate you!" She screams. She then leaves and stalks into her room. I head back up stairs, wincing at every step I take. I then go into my bathroom and get in the cabinet and pull out a razor blade. Cutting has always been my way to release the pain my mom causes me. I look at my stomach where I can see little pink scars from previous cuts. Cutting on my wrist was to obvious because I where short sleeve shirts. I put the razor blade on my stomach and I pull the cold metal across my skin as I make a cut. My eyes start watering but I continue. I move to different locations on my stomach. When I'm done I grab a couple bandages and some healing cream and put it on my stomach. I then slip on a comfy shirt and climb into bed, thinking about wonderful, perfect Liam.

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