~Chapter 3~

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Harry's pov

When Liam texted me saying that Niall, my Nialler, hurts himself, I didn't know what to do. I look over at Louis who is laying down in the bed next to me. He hasn't talked to me all day. "Hey Lou, did you know that Niall hurts himself?" Louis looks up at me with wide eyes. "What! When did you figure this out Haz?" My heart fluttered when he called me Haz. He hasn't called me Haz in a week. "Liam texted me not to long ago." "Let me see." I give Louis my phone and watch as he reads out short conversation. I see a tear fall on his cheek. I reach over and wipe the tear off with my thumb. I then put my fingers under his chin and turn his head so he's looking at me. "It's going to be ok. As long as we are there for him, he will be fine." I pull Louis close and give him a kiss on the top of his forehead. "I love you Lou, I hope you know that." "I love you too Haz." I slowly start to drift off to sleep, with the love of my life in my arms.

Zayn's pov

I have decided to take Perrie out today. We went to a very nice restaurant and then we went home. We have been together for 3 and half years now, and I couldn't be any happier. I look down and see Perrie in my arms and think to myself,

What did I do to deserve you?

I chuckle at myself and give her a kiss on the top of her forehead. All of sudden I hear my phone buzz. I look down and see it's a text from Liam.

Zayn, you need to get over here. It's urgent. Xx Liam

What's wrong? Xx Zayn

There's no time to explain, just get down here. Xx Liam

I lightly push Perrie off me and slip into my converse and get into my car. I drive on down to Liam's and when I arrive, I see Niall and Liam standing outside. "What's going on Liam?" I look at Liam and see he has excitement in his eyes. He looks at Niall and then back at me. He then leans down and says something to Niall and I just look at them curiously. "Niall's got to tell you something." I slowly reach into my pocket and grab my phone. "Want t-to watch a-a movie with u-us?" I look up at Niall for a couple seconds before I process everything. "Niall! Did you just - you just said something!" I run up to him and pull him into a bone crushing hug. I pull away and give him a kiss on the top of his head. I look up at Liam and see a hint of jealousy in his eyes. Was something going on between them? Before I could ask anything, Louis and Harry pull up into the driveway. "Hey guys, what's so urgent?" Niall looks at Liam smiling before he asks the boys the same question he asked me, "Do you guys w-want to watch a-a movie with us?" Louis and Harry look like they have seen a ghost. "Ohmygosh, Niall!" Harry is the first one to react. He sprints his way towards us and hugs Niall. "How did you - when did you... how?" "Not to long ago, actually. Boys we got something to tell you." All of us look curiously at them. "We a-are a couple." Niall then looks up at Liam before planting a kiss on his lips. I feel jealous. I feel like I should be the one with Niall, not Liam, the "daddy" of the group who over exaggerates everything. Louis speaks up and says, "Oh, we're so happy for you guys." And he pulls us into a group hug.

Niall's pov

When Liam said we needed to tell the boys about our commitment, I was scared. No, not scared, nervous. I didn't know how the boys would react. Yeah, sure, everyone was fine with Harry and Louis, but Liam has been on and off with some chick named Danielle or something. I don't know if Liam has gotten over her or not but he never seems to bring her up any more, which I take as a good sign. We then go inside and I sit on the couch and Liam follows, pulling me into his arms. "What do you guys think about Jurassic Park?" Liam asks the boys. He said he didn't want to watch another lovie, dovie movie again. The boys all shook their heads and I see Harry and Louis curl up into eachother. Guess they got their problems figured out. I then focus my attention on the movie until I see Liam looking at me. "What?" I whispered, still not used to the whole talking situation. "You look beautiful tonight Ni." I feel my face heat up when I hear Harry yell, "That's disgusting, get a room!" I look over and see Harry laughing. Liam looks over at them and says, "You're disgusted by this?" And he plants his lips on mine and I push myself into the kiss wanting more. "Yes! Yes, it's disgusting." Liam pulls away and he starts laughing. In fact we all do. Louis leans over and gives Harry a kiss on the nose.


Liam said he wants to take me home. I was fine with that. I was super tired and on the verge of falling asleep. I could feel my eyelids drooping as I feel Liam pull me out of the car and into his arms. I hear my mom say hello to Liam as he walks up to my room. He then puts me down on my bed and once my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep.

Liam's pov

Right when Niall's head hit the pillow he passed out. I remember his stomach and how he cuts himself so I go into the bathroom and pull out the container holding his razors. As I pull it out, a leather bound book falls onto the floor. I raise an eyebrow, curiosity filling my head. I sit down on the toilet lid and open it to the first entry.

March 7th, 2012

Ever since dad left, mom has been an absolute mess, always coming home drunk. She has been hitting me and calling me names. She ended up hurting me so much that I just stopped talking. The boys don't know why. Now I have no way of telling Liam how much I love and how since the very beginning he had my heart. Let's see how everything ends.

Xx Niall

I look up at myself and see that I was crying. I wiped the tears from my face and put the journal in my jacket. I walk out of the bathroom and look at Niall. I walk over to him and kiss his head before I leave.

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