~Chapter 14~

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Liam's pov

I decided to go see Niall today. I went out to the mall and got him his favorite cookies and a movie to watch. I slowly opened the door and walked in, and when I walked in, what I saw broke my heart.

Niall was snogging the lights out of Danielle.

Danielle. Of all people, it had to be Danielle. He even found her trying to seduce me.

What was he doing with her? I dropped the box of cookies and they immediately pulled apart, Niall wiping his mouth afterwards. He smiles at Danielle before looking at me with wide eyes.

"Li-Liam? What are you doing here?" Danielle got her things together and said, "I'm going to leave now..." She walks past me and closes the door.

I feel really dizzy, so I grab a chair and sit down. As far away from Niall as I could. He looks at me with guilt and sadness. "I can explain Liam." I look up at him with my eyes filled with tears.

"Explain what Niall? Everything is self explanatory." I snap, not meaning to. He winces from my voice and coughs slightly, avoiding my gaze at all costs.

"I-I... I don't like her. She came in and started to snog me and I was surprised, really, and she thought the doctor walked in so she wanted to act like we were a couple so it wasn't weird. I promise, I don't like her. I-I..." He breaks off suddenly and I glare up at him.

"You what?" He takes a shaky breath. "I love you." I stare at him with disbelief. "Niall, you know I can't be with you. I have a girlfriend." But, I don't know if he will believe me, for I don't sound very convincing. He chuckles at me. "I know she's a beard Liam. I never see you with her. And you never talk about her."

"I-I... Ok, maybe I don't like her." He smiled at me. Well, maybe things could get better between us. "I'm not mad at you anymore, but it did confuse me when my mum was saying she would shave her head. I was thinking that she's gone crazy."

I laugh lightly and scratch the back of my neck. "Yeah, we just got... carried away with you being awake and ok." He looks at me with a little glint in his eyes and I can see a little flash of lust pass through his eyes.

I feel myself get an 'unwanted visitor' down there. I tried pushing the feeling away but it wouldn't go away. "Liam, are you ok? You look a little pale." I see Niall looking at me curiously. "Ye-Yeah, just great."

We stay and talk for awhile before the door opens and Sophia is standing in the doorway. She walks her way over to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I look at Niall and see pain flash through his face and my heart lurches with hurt.

"What are you doing here?" She looks at me and smirks. "I wanted to see my fabulous boyfriend." She then stands on her tiptoes and kisses me. I try to pull away, but she has her hands locked behind my neck, pulling me towards her.

She slips her tongue into my mouth and she lets out a moan. She continues to kiss me till Niall awkwardly coughs.

I glare at Sophia. "What the bloody hell did you think you are doing? I don't even like you, why are you ruining my life?!"

She looks at the floor and giggles. I raise an eyebrow at her. "Oh, you think this is funny? You need to leave. I hate you and your stupid little games. I'm never going to love you. I... I have someone else to love," I shift my gaze over to Niall. He is sitting with his mouth wide open. "And no one is going to get in the way of us. Not even you."

She gapes at me with wide eyes. "W-what? You d-don't love m-m-me?" She starts to break down. "I'm sorry Sophia, but no, I don't." And with that, she bolts out of the room.

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