~Chapter 11~

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3 days later

Harry's pov

I went out to get Louis something, to let him know I still love him. I got him a necklace that's a heart and I got a matching one that was a key, and on the back of the heart, it says,

There is only one who has the key to my heart to which it will open for

I know it's so cliché, but I wanted to do something nice. I got to the door and I thought I heard people talking. I slowly opened the door and heard some more talking or... moaning? It was coming down the hall from the room I share with Louis. I thought it was Louis watching porn again. I slowly and quietly closed the door and put the matching necklaces in one of my hands and put it behind my back.

I reach the door and hear someone moan the name Louis. I pushed the door open. "Hey Lou! I got us matching neck-" Louis was in bed with the same chick I saw him with at the coffee shoppe. She immediately pulled the covers up to cover her breasts and smirked at me. Louis looked at me with wide eyes. "Ha-Hazza, I thought you weren't coming home till 4?" I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "I-I... I got off early.... for you." But my sadness turned to anger. "But it doesn't matter now, does it!? Seems like you found somebody better!"

I stomp out of the room and feel Louis grab my arm and turn me around. "Harry, please let me explain." I slap him across the face. "I'm done with your stupid fucking games Louis! My heart's already breaking, go on twist the knife. Break it even more. You cheated, like actually cheated this time. I thought she was your beard, but I can tell your 'relationship' is stronger than I thought. I thought your 'beard' was just for publicity so people wouldn't know about our relationship, but you must really fucking hate me to cheat on me, going out every Tuesday and Friday to fuck her. And not having the decency to tell me you actually aren't gay, makes me even more mad. Goodbye Louis. Keep the house, I'm going to live with Liam. I'm moving out tomorrow." And with that I stomped out the door to the closest pub I could find.


I walk in and ask for a beer. The bartender keeps eyeing me and comes out from behind the counter, putting her apron away. I'm guessing her shift is over and she is just looking for a good fuck. She walks over to me and introduces herself. "Hey, I'm Sasha. And to answer your question, I'm not looking for a 'good fuck'. I have a girlfriend. And I'm saw that you look upset. What's wrong?"

"Well, you will probably understand more because you have a girlfriend, because I'm also gay. And my names Harry." She nods her head. "Well, nice to meet you Harry. So what happened?" Deep down inside, I feel like I can trust Sasha so I pour out my heart and soul to her.

"Well, you know the band 'One Direction'?" She nods her head. "Well, I'm that Harry. And my bandmate, Louis and I have been dating. Or were dating. Our management doesn't, well, didn't, want our relationship to go public. So they hired a beard for Louis." She looks at me and questions, "Beard?"

I nod and respond, "Imagine having a fake boyfriend to hide your relationship with your girlfriend." She nods her head as she understood. "Well, anyway, he didn't tell me when they would be 'seeing' eachother. And one day, I followed Louis to a coffee shoppe because he was acting suspicious. And he was there with his beard at the time and I thought he was cheating on me. I confronted him about it and he said she was just a 'beard'. So I let it slide, not really thinking about it. But I came home today wanting to surprise him with a little present-" I started to feel the tears well up. "-And he was fucking his 'beard'. I told him I was done with his games and I wasn't going to be dating a cheater."

At this point I was sobbing and Sasha pulled me into a hug. "I know we just met, but you can come stay with me and my girlfriend. Our other roommate moved out, so you can take their room. My house is just 20 minutes away." I look at her gratefully. "Really? Thank you so much Sasha!" I pull her into a tight hug. "I still need to pack my stuff." She picks up her keys and says, "I've got a truck so we could put your stuff in the bed of the truck? And I'll also help you pack, I want to meet this cheater."


We get to the house and I walk in and see Louis sitting on the couch watching TV. He turns around and looks at me. "Ohmygosh Harry- who's this?" He looks behind me at Sasha. "I met her at the pub and I'm going to be staying with her and her girlfriend." I see the hurt in his eyes as I walk past him. "But you just met her. Are you really going to live with her? What if she just wants to fuck you?" I turn around and defend my new friend. "She has a girlfriend, so please stop thinking she wants to fuck me!" I turn to Sasha. "Will you help me pack?" She nods her head and glares at Louis as she walks by. "I'm sorry Hazza." I turn and scoff at him. "I'm done with your fucking fake apologies Louis!" And with that, I turn around and go into my room to pack my things. "Wow, he must really be a dick." I chuckle at her, "You have no idea how amazing he was before all this." I sigh and she gives me a simpathetic look.

Liam's pov

Niall looks dead, but I know he's not, hearing the beeps and bloops of all the machines in his hospital room. The room is filled with cards and balloons, and teddy bears, and chocolates from fans and family. The door opens and Niall's doctor, Dr. Howard, walks into the room.

"Hello Liam. We have some good news and bad news, very bad news." I nod at him as he continues. "Niall here will recover from his cuts just fine." He pauses and looks down and his clipboard. "Well, what's the bad news." He looks up at me with sadness in his eyes. "Niall has Leukemia. But we luckily caught it at the early stage and hope to start Chemo right away." I look at Niall and my face pales. "Leukemia?" He nods his head. "Yes, it's a cancer of the bone marrow and creates abnormal white blood cells, called Leukemia cells. They don't do the work of normal white blood cells. They grow faster than normal cells, and they don't stop growing when they should. Over time, Leukemia cells can crowd out the normal blood cells. This can lead to serious problems such as anemia, bleeding, and infections. That's why when Niall cuts himself, he wouldn't stop bleeding and would get infected easier. He has Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, meaning he got sick right away and it's affecting his white blood cells." I stare at the doctor in shock. "How fast can we start Chemo?" He looks up from his clipboard again. "Now would be great but we need a parent signature." I nod at him. "I'll call his mom." I dial Niall's mom's number and hear her answer.


"It's Liam. And I have some bad news."

"Ohmygosh, is he dead? Please tell me he isn't dead."

I hear her start to cry over the phone. She must actually care for her son if she's so worried.

"No he isn't dead. He's got Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. But they caught it at the early stage and need a parent signature to start Chemo."

I hear her sigh in relief hearing the news of her son still being alive. I can hear her grab her keys.

"Ok, I'm on my way."

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