~Chapter 9~

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Harry's pov

"Hey Hazza, I'm going to head out for a bit, okay?" I looked up from my phone. "Want me to come?" He shakes his head and says, "Sorry, but no thanks. I'll be back in a little bit." He leans down and kisses me on the forehead. "Okay, love you." He doesn't even bother to say it back and he walks out the door. I turn my attention back to my phone because it buzzed because I got a notification from Twitter. It was something that Louis posted.


Going to have a wonderful day today with someone special! :)

That's when I know something is up. I put on my trench coat and turned on the GPS navigator that connects my phone with Louis'. I walk out the door and follow the pointer to a coffee shop down the street called, Lillian's Coffee Shoppe. I walked into the coffee shop and went to order a coffee and sat down in a booth towards the back of the shop. The waitress gave me my coffee and I when she left Louis walled out of the bathroom. He then walked over to some girl and gave her a passionate kiss. So that's what he does in his free time? He cheats on me? I see him say something and her eyes light up and she laughs. He smiles like he is proud of himself. I feel disgusted because he is here when he could have said he was seeing some other girl. That wouldve hurt me less. I can feel my heart crack in two when i see him lean in and pull a strand of hair out of her face and kisses her. So being the jealous person I am, I decide to text him and see what his cover up story would be.

Hey Louis, where did you end up going? Xx Harry

I see him look down at his phone and I get a reply.

At the mall. Ran into a couple of old school friends. :) Xx Louis

I look up at him and am disgusted that he would lie to me and by the fact he just kissed the girl again, more passionate than the last one. So I text him back not thinking about what I'm doing.

Well, when you get home, make sure to pack your stuff and be out by Wednesday. I'm breaking up with you. :) Xx Harry

I look up and see the colour of Louis' face drain away. He quickly excuses himself and walks to the bathroom and my phone starts buzzing because he's trying to call me. I decline the call and end up walking to Liam's.

When I get to Liam's house, I knock on the door and when he answers, I break down. He pulls away and asks, "What's wrong Harry?" I don't even give him a response when I don't think about what I'm doing and I smash my lips into his. He doesn't even pull away and he slowly closes the door. We make our way to his room, only pulling apart for air. We go into his room and I close the door and push him onto the the bed and take my shirt off and pull Liam's off too. I lean back down and kiss Liam as passionately as I can and I straddle him so I'm on his hips. Through his jeans, I can feel that he is starting to get hard. I take my hand and start palming him through his jeans and I hear him inhale suddenly. "Harry, why are you doing this?" I pull away and say, "Because I like you Liam. I loke you a lot." The lie just came out and I felt bad but I couldnt help myself. I lean back down and kiss him again, while palming him through his jeans.

I then take my pants off and when I take them off, I take Liam's off. I get back in the bed and start leaving a lovebite on his neck and trail kisses down his chest and to the hem of his boxers. As I'm creating another lovebite, I palm him through his boxers and Liam is getting annoyed with all my games and whines, "Harry, stop being such a tease. Let's get to the fun part where you give me a blowjob." I look up at him and I put my fingers into the hem of his boxers and before I could pull them off, there was a voice outside Liam's door.

"Liam? Are you home?" He looks at the door then at me with wide eyes. "Shit, Harry put your clothes back on." He looks at me with disgust and says, "It's my beard. I'm just warning you, she isn't the prettiest sight." I roll my eyes and put my shirt on before I walk out the door.

When I walk out the door, I see her eyeing me like she's a toddler at a candy store. She starts walking towards me. "Why, hello there." She puts her hand out to grab my bicep but Liam catches her hand and puts it back by her side. "You will not touch him." She looks at me when Liam looks away and makes a phone with her hand and mouths, call me.

I look at her with disgust and announce I'm going home. Liam insists he walks with me and I let him.


When we get to my house, we stand on the doorstep for a couple minutes before I lean down and give Liam a kiss. "Goodnight Liam." He looks at me and smiles. "Goodnight Harry." He kisses me again before I go inside.

When I close the door and turn around, I see Louis standing there with a bouquet of my favorite flowers, which are Tulips, and a box of chocolate. I gasp and Louis says, "Whatever I did to make you upset, I'm sorry. I love you Harry, and I couldn't bear to lose you. I'm sorry."

I don't know what happened but my body betrayed my mind and I kissed him. "I love you too."

Niall's pov

When Liam told me he had a girlfriend, I was heartbroken. When I left the tent, I went into the woods and found the highest tree I could find and climbed up it. I looked up at the stars for a little bit before wondering, What did I do wrong? He has a girlfriend now I can't get him back. But when he told me, I could see sadness in his eyes. Maybe she wasn't a true girlfriend. I only hoped.

I walked back to the tent and when I stepped inside, I could see Liam reposition himself so he could see me. Seeing the glint in his eyes was heartbreaking. I found my sleeping bag, unrolled it and got in it. I couldn't help myself and I started sobbing. Before I fell asleep, I could feel arms wrapping around me.


When I got home I went straight to my bedroom. I took off my shirt and went into the bathroom and pulled out a fresh pack of razors. I know I promised Liam I wouldn't cut anymore, but I couldn't help it because he broke my heart.

Before I grabbed the razor out of the pack, I looked at myself. My ugly tummy, with its ugly scars. My gross blue eyes that no one loved. My dirty blonde hair people looked at with disgust. That's when I then took the razor and put it to my left hip and pressed down hard enough to pierce the skin. I then dragged the razor across my hip, feeling my skin tear. After that, I made another cut, and another, and another. I then put the razor on the sink and leaned over the sink and turned on the water. I splashed my face with cold water and walked into my room. I reach the middle of my room when I collapse on the ground.

The last thing I remember is my mom running into my room, crying while she's screaming my name, pulling me into her lap, and calling the ambulance, before I finally pass out.

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