~Chapter 10~

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Harry's pov

When I pulled away from the kiss, I looked at Louis in the eye and saw the glint that makes him look like he's hiding something. "I love you Louis, but I can't date someone who hides things from me." He looks at me like I just accused him of cheating, which, he kinda did. "Wha-what are you talking about Hazza?" He puts his hand on my shoulder but I shrug it off. I can see the pain in his eyes when I look at him. "You are cheating on me but didn't have the decency to tell me. What a load of bullshit." He looks shocked at my sudden comment. "I'm not cheating on you, I love you." I sigh and pull out my phone showing him the picture of him kissing that brunette chick.

He gasps suddenly and pales in the face. "Did you - did you follow me?" I look at him and whisper, "Yeah, I did." "Why? Why didn't you just stay here and trust me?" There is anger in his voice when he says that. I look at him and feel my face start to burn up. "Stay here and trust you? Trust you? You tweeted that you were going to have a 'nice day with someone special'. Usually that special someone is me so of course I had to follow you. You just cheated on me Louis! Cheated! How can I trust you now?" As I'm saying this, tears start to fall down my face. "Louis, I gave you everything I could. You just went and tore up my heart. But you know what they say, live while we're young." I turn around and I go into my room and shut the door.

I hear Louis call after me and he soon is knocking on the door and opens it. "Hazza, please let me-" I look at Louis but I can barely see him because my vision is blurred with tears. "No, Louis. Get out please." "Harry please!" I get up and push him out my room. "I said get out!" Louis starts to break down in front of me. I can't look at him because the sight breaks my heart even more. I walk back into my room and before I close the door Louis shouts, "She's my beard! I hid it from you because I didn't want to hurt you! I love you Harry. Please, don't shut me out. Please." Hearing his pleads is what made me cry even harder. "I don't care if she is your beard. I wanted you to tell me, not keep it from me so I know when you're with her. But, I guess it doesn't matter. I guess I'm not worth it."

"Of course you're worth it. You want to know why?" He looks at me and nods his head to go on.

"I fell in love with you right when I saw you. And of course it had to be in the bathroom. You being all shy and awkward but when it came to singing, you didn't care who heard you or not. You wanted your voice to be heard. And not just that, you have a lovely voice. And those beautiful green eyes of yours that remind me of emeralds. And your long, brown hair that's as soft as silk. I love playing with your hair. And we even got matching tattoos for crying out loud." At this point I was crying. "You are quite the clumsy one-" "Hey!" I chuckle at him. "-But it's ok, because you are my clumsy one. Your little dance you do in the morning with a song that consists of only my name is the cutest thing I have ever seen." Harry's face turns red. "You know about that?" I laugh at him. "Since the very beginning. I love you Harry, my Hazza, my cupcake, my one and only You mean everything to me. Please don't push me away."

Liam's pov

After Harry left, I did some thinking. Why would he come over and want to fuck me if he was dating Louis? Did they get in a fight? Before I could question it even more, I got a call from Niall's mom.

"Hello, is this Liam?"

"Yes it is. What can I help you with?"

She sounds like she has been crying. I can hear her blow her nose on the other side of the phone.

"Is everything ok?"

"Niall's in the hospital."

My heart dropped and my face drained of all the colour.

"What? Why? What happened to him? Is he ok?"

At this point I'm shocked and I don't know what to do. But my body soon registers everything and I grab my keys and my jacket.

"I-I don't know. I heard something heavy fall in Niall's room and I went up to see what happened and he was on the floor, all bloody, half concious-"

"All bloody? What do you mean?"

I can here her take a sharp intake of breath.

"He cut himself bad Liam. Really bad. He had about nine all together and they were really deep."

"He cu-cut himself? I thought he stopped?"

"He stopped? You mean he was cutting before?"

She may not be the greatest mom at the moment but I filled her in on the details of how I found out.

"I've been such a terrible mom."

I hear her start to cry over the phone. By this point, I have already reached the hospital and was looking for her when I spotted her and I ran up to her and pulled her into a hug while she sobbed into my shoulder.

"Shhh. It's ok, he'll be ok. He'll be ok."

I just hope he will be.

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