~Chapter 4~

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Liam's pov

I had Niall's journal sitting next to me. I grabbed it and opened it to the most recent entry. Before I looked down at it, I thought to myself,

Should I even be reading this? But I need to get to the bottom of this.

I looked down at the entry and saw it was written two months ago.

July 19th, 2015

Mom comes even more drunk than she used to. And, like always, she brings home a new guy every night. And the abuse has slowly gotten worse. Instead of every other week, it's every week. And it's not just verbal abuse or slapping, but punching and kicking and throwing things at me. And I still haven't found a way to tell Liam. We'll just see how everything plays out, I guess.

Xx Niall

I close the journal and get off my couch and head over to Niall's. When I get out of my car and knock on the door, Mrs. Horan answers with a smile, which I know now, is fake "Hey Liam. Can I help you?" "Uh, is Niall here." "Yes, he's upstairs in his room, love." She moves out of the way letting me through as I mutter thanks and walk up the stairs. I get to Niall's room and knock on the door and Niall looks up from his phone. Damn, that boy and his phone, you can never separate him from his phone. He smiles up at me. "Hey Li, what're you doing here?" I didn't know whether I should ask him or not, so I just said something. "I just wanted to come hang out with you." He sits up and scoots over so that I can sit down on the bed next to him. I look up at his shiny, blue eyes that remind me of the ocean, my favorite place to go. Well, second favorite, Niall is my first. I lean in towards Niall and rest my forehead on his. Then I kiss him causing him to gasp in surprise which allows me enough room to slip my tongue into his mouth, our tongues wrestling for dominance. I pull away from the kiss and take my shirt off, and Niall does too. We throw our shirts on the ground and I push Niall onto the bed so he's on his back and I straddle him. I then lean down to kiss his plump lips again. I run my tongue along his bottom lip, wanting access. He allows it. As our tongues are wrestling for dominance, I run my hand down his chiseled abs and down to the waistband of his jeans. Ad I'm unbuckling them, Niall pulls back. "I n-not ready yet." He whispers it so it's barely audible. I smile down at him. "It's ok if you're not ready Ni. I love you and I respect you decisions." I lean towards him again and kiss his forehead. Since it's pretty late, I ask if I can stay. He nods his head and goes downstairs to tell his mom. He co.es back upstairs and locks the door. He then walks over to his closet and trys to pull down his jeans but he snags his boxers along with his jeans, so he's naked. I can here him gasp. "Ohmygosh Li, look away!" I chuckle at him and say, "I can't. You have a nice ass." He looks at me and blushes and pulls on his boxers and pajama pants. He then makes his way towards me and curls up against me. "Do I really have a nice ass?" "Yes, yes you do Ni." "Goodnight Liam." "Goodnight love."

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