~Chapter 6~

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Liam's pov

I hear someone walk up behind me. "What was that all about, love?" I turned around and glared up at Danielle. "For one, don't ever call me 'love' ever again. And I just lost my bestfriend because of you." After I said that I turned my head and whispered, "And my one and only love." I start to sob again. I finally pull myself together and Danielle asks, "Want to come over, so we can have fun there?" As she says that she steps closer to me and runs her hand down my chest. I push her off me. "Do you not understand Danielle? I don't love you. You may think I do, but I dont. I love someone else." Danielle looks at me and smirks. "I know you Love Niall, Liam. That's why I'm trying to take you away from him, so you'll love me again." I look at her and glare. "I have never loved you. Remember you were just a beard." I wink at her and walk away. I start my car and look at my phone. No calls and no texts. I dial Niall's number. A couple rings and goes to the answering machine. I leave a message. "Hey Niall, I really need to talk to you. Please. Just answer me." I end up calling Zayn. "What do you want Liam?" I was confused by his question. "What's wrong with you?" He grunts and says, "What's wrong with me? Hmm, I don't know, maybe mad at you for cheating on Niall. And now he's stopped talking again because of you. So that's what's wrong." "Let me explain, Zayn. I was-" "I don't want to here it right now Liam. He thought he could trust you and love you, but you let him down and broke his heart, Liam. It's unfixable because of you. Bye Liam."

Louis' pov

"Faster Harry, faster!" "I'm trying Lou!" "Come on Harry, you're in second place, you need to get in first." Harry was playing Mario Kart and was in second on the third lap. "Hazza, the finish line is right there." He looks at me and smiles. "Good thing I have a red shell." He uses the red shell and speeds forward and finishes first. "Good job, Haz. I knew you could do it." He laughs and says, "Sure you did." We laugh for a couple more seconds before my phone rings. I look and see it's from Liam. I answer the phone and say, "Hey Liam, what's up?" I hear him take a breath and he sounds like he's going to cry. "Can I come over? I need to talk to you and Harry." I glance up at Harry and give him a worried look. "What's wrong Liam." "I'll explain later." And he hangs up. "What was that about?" I don't know, but he sounded really upset."

We were sitting on the couch watching a TV show and we hear someone knock on the door. I get up and answer the door. When I open the door, I see a very upset Liam. "Oh, Liam." I pull him into a tight hug and take him to the couch. "What's wrong?" He takes a few seconds to calm himself before he answers. "You guys have to promise to not get mad at me." We both shake our heads and promise we won't get mad at him. "I stayed the night at Niall's last night and decided to go to the bar. I ended up getting drunk and Danielle was there-" "Danielle? I thought she moved to New York to work on acting." "I did too, but anyways, she was there and I was drunk and we went upstairs and she started taking my shirt off and unbuckling my pants and Niall ended up finding me and he got mad and now he's at Zayn's and I don't know what to do." He then starts to break down and Harry and I hold him until he calms down. Harry then speaks up. "You need to go down to Zayn's and have all three of you sit on the couch so you can explain everything. And did you try to push her off of you? Because if you didn't, then you have a problem." Liam looks at Harry and says, "I did. I really did. But she kept trying and trying to get on me." "Well, you should head on over and explain everything."

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