~Chapter 5~

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Harry's pov

Louis and I were about to get down to business, if you know what I mean, when Louis' phone rang. He gave me a quizzical look before answering.

"Hello?" He's to far away to hear who is talking and what's being said. "What do you mean, 'I need to have a beard'?" Louis looked like he was on the verge of tears. "No, I can't do that. I can't do that. That will hurt him." After that, I can't hear anymore. He comes out of out room with tears streaming down his face. "Th-they are m-m-making me have a-a beard." "What, why do you need to have a beard?" He sobs a little more and takes in a shaky breath. "They think that to many people are catching on with our relationship." I look at him with anger. "Is there something wrong with loving someone? I don't understand why they don't want us to be a couple." I scream. "Hazza, calm down. We can get through this." I look down at him. "Do you know her name?" "Yes, it's Eleanor Calder." "As long as she doesn't get in the way of us." I give Louis a nice, passionate kiss before we sit back down on the couch. "How about a movie?"

Liam's pov

I wake up and look at the unfamiliar surroundings. I then hear light breathing. I look over and see Niall, the most beautiful person ever. He then looks up at me with sleepy eyes and says, "Good morning Li." His voice is so deep when he just wakes up. It makes me fall in love all over again. "Hey, I've got to go visit my mum, ok. I'll see you later?" "Yeah, totally." I then get up and put my shoes and shirt on and walk out the door. I'm not actually going to visit my mum, I'm going to go to the pub. Drinking helps me clear my head, but just a couple drinks. As I walk into the bar, I see some old friends from school. I walk over to the bar and order a beer. Before you know, one beer turns into 5. And I'm drunk. I turn around and see a familiar head with curly hair walking towards me. "Hey, Liam. Wanna have some fun?" As she says it, she pulls me up from the chair and drags me to the bedroom upstairs. She proceeds to take my shirt off. "Danielle, what are you doing?" "Just having a little fun with my, boyfriend." I forgot I was going to break it off with her after me and Niall got together. Before I could tell her, she starts to suck on my earlobe, which is one of my weak spots. I let out an accidental moan and she continues to start to unbuckle my pants when I hear the door open and a glass drop. "Liam?"

Niall's pov

I went to the pub to look for Liam after I called his mom and asked if he was there. After she said no, I knew immediately where he was. I went to the pub and I ask the bartender, Jason, if he saw him. "Yeah, he went upstairs. And it's nice to hear you talking again Niall." I smile and nod at him before making my way upstairs with a beer in my hand. I open the only door up there and see him and Danielle. I gasp and drop my mug on the ground. "Liam?" Liam pulls away from Danielle, top less and disheveled, and says, "It's not what it looks like Ni, I swear." "Don't ever call me that again Liam! Ever!" I turn around and sprint down the stairs and hear Liam calling after me. I rush to my car and unlock it. I start the engine. I make my way out of the parking lot as Liam is in the spot where my car was. He crumples to his hands and knees and starts sobbing. That's what I do to as I make my way to Zayn's house. I know he is home alone because Perrie has work today. I climb the steps with a red, tear stained face and knock on the door. Zayn answers. "Ohmygosh, Niall what happened?" I don't tell him anything but I bring him into a hug. "I'll make us some tea, yeah?" I nod and make my way to the couch. Zayn comes out with two cups of steaming hot tea. "What happened?" I take a deep breath before I start. "This morning, Liam said he was going to visit his mum. I called his mum and asked if he was there because he left his watch at my house. She said he wasn't there. When she said that, I knew immediately where he was. I made my way to the bar and asked Jason of he saw Liam. He said he went upstairs. So I went upstairs and opened the door and saw Danielle and Liam snogging eachother. So I ran out of the bar and came here. I don't know what to do Zayn." Zayn pulls me into a tight hug. "Don't talk to him until he apologizes." Ok, was all I said before I fell asleep.

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