~Chapter 2~

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Niall's pov

I woke up this morning with a text.

Who could it be from?

I unlock my phone and see it's a text from Liam.

Good morning Ni. I was wondering if you could come over today and we could have a movie day? Xx Liam

Sure, but I don't have my car... Xx Niall

It's ok, I'll pick you up. :) Xx Liam

Ok. See you soon Li. Xx Niall

I get up and put on a black shirt, black skinnies and my white converse. I go downstairs to see my mom kissing Paul's face off. I walk out the door and sit down on the stairs, waiting for Liam. I see his black BMW pull up and Liam gets out. He comes up to me and gives me a bone crushing hug and I wince because he hit my cuts. "Are you ok Ni? Ohmygosh, Niall what happened to your eye?!" I look down at the ground and shrug my shoulders. I can't tell Liam my mom abuses me. She needs me to take care of her. Liam then speaks up. "Let's head over to my place so we can put ice on that." I nod my head and get in the car.

We arrive at his house a couple minutes later. He gets out and opens the door for me and I smile up at him. We walk into the house and he goes in the kitchen and gets a bag of ice and a towel. "Here, this will help. What happened?" I just look down at the ground and shrug. "Does it feel better?" I nod my head up and down and just look up at the floor, tears welling up in my eyes and I just break down into quiet sobs.

Liam's pov

Niall just starts sobbing. I put my arm around him and pull him into a hug. "What's wring Ni? You know you can tell me anything right?" He nods his head up and down. I decide to not push any further and I rub his back until he stops crying and he falls asleep. I pick him up and carry him to my bed. I lay him down and his shirt comes up a little bit where I can see bandages. I raise an eyebrow and pull his shirt up a little more. I gasp as I see pink scars. I take off the bandages and let out a choked sob. He's been cutting himself. My wonderful Ni has been hurting himself. I start sobbing. I text Harry.

Did you know that Niall has been cutting himself? Xx Liam


I just now found out. It's killing me Harry. That I'm not there for him at certain points when he's hurting the most. Xx Liam

It's ok Liam. You can ask him about it later. Xx Harry

Ok, I will. Bye mate. Xx Liam

I look back up to the beautiful Irish boy I have loved since the very beginning. I grab his hand and stroke it with my thumb. "Why didn't you tell me Ni? What aren't you telling me?" I need to get to the bottom of this.

Niall's pov

I wake and see Liam holding my hand and crying. I gently pull my hand away from him and once I do, my hand feels very epmty. Liam looks up and I look at him questioningly. "Why didn't you tell me you cut Ni? Why?" He then let's out another choked sob and I feel the tears coming in my eyes. "I love you Ni. It's killing me that you're doing this to yourself. Please stop." I look up at Liam and I let the words come out. "I-I love y-you too." My voice sound raspy and hoarse like I have been sick. Liam looks up at me and I see the glimmer in his eyes. "Did you- did you just say something?" I let the words come out again. "I-I love y-you." My throat hurts a little bit when I speak because I haven't spoken in so long. Liam stands up and pulls me into a hug. I try to make our bodies closer together and inhale his scent. I look up at him and feel his lips crash into mine. My eyes widen because I am surprised but then I slowly close them to take in this moment. Our lips move against eachother and they seem to fit like a puzzle piece. Liam pulls away and touches his forehead to mine. "I love you so much Niall."

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