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Cory POV...

I look at Mary as she has her eyes closed.

I slowly walk over and put my hand on her shoulder.

She looks at me and I point to where Cody is.

"Wave bye..." I whisper. Cody glances at us and we all wave and cry.

"I will be good...I hope." Mary whispers into my chest as she hugs me. I rub her back slowly and tears drip down.

"Cory...Mary, lets go." Jen whispers. Mary lets go, but grabs my hand.

"U-uh...Mary." I say. She looks at me.

"I have a physco girlfriend so um..." I feel bad but she smiles and lets go but still walks beside me.

We reach out of the airport and walk to our cars.

"So why dont we all go to IHop?" Ally says. I shrug.

"Sure...but the one all the way by us?" Joey ask pulling out a cigarette for Jen. She shakes her head and he puts it back in his pack.

"Yeah, we can celebrate!" Ally smiles.

"Celebrate that Cody left...?" Mary ask.

"Well yes, but in like the good way. Not oh goodness thank god he is gone...no." Ally laughs and hugs Mary tightly.

"Okay...Mary you wanna ride with me?" I ask. Mary shakes her head.

"I drove my car here..." She says. "Ally w-why don't you go with him...please.?"

Ally shrugs and walks to Me. Jen said she was gonna ride with Joey...so Mary was all alone.

"See you guys there!" She waves and enters her car.

Me and Ally walk to my car.
Ally was quiet and looked down.

"Ally you good?" I say. She nods.

"She is gonna be crying." Ally mumbles.

"Who? Mary...?"

"Yeah, her last boyfriend left and she would not stop crying for a month...don't be surprised if breakfast is quiet." Ally says and we enter my car.

"You must be good friends with her, huh?" I ask as we sat in my car. She nods and we look at Mary's car. It wasn't even on yet.

"Well...its 5:12...we should head back home." I start my car. Ally smiles and text the person back.

"Mary said her nose is having a stream of snot drip down." Ally laughs. I smile and laugh as well. I then drive back home towards our IHop.

The Football Player..Book 1Where stories live. Discover now