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Jen POV...

I get off the sofa that I shared with Joey. And move to Mary instead.

I move a piece of her hair to behind her ear.

"Five more minutes Mary..." I say. She nods.

"Don't worry...he will say something." I smile. She nods and sips her hot coffee.

"Are you like nervous?" Ally whispers to Mary.

"Not nervous, just-just confused and tired." Mary shrugs. I snuggle into Mary and nod.

"Well he should be here soon, so be ready." I whisper. She nods.

Mary POV...

Jen and Ally both on me.


I look at Cory as he small talks with Joey. Joey small talks back.

Everyone at this moment is beyond nervous, or at least I am.

My body is shaking and my hands are like a worm.

Surprised Jen and Ally don't notice.

"5:00." Joey whispers. We all stand and move. We walk near the exit gates to Indiana.

"Guys?" We hear approach us. I felt ny heart speed up but it drop when I turn to see his face.

"Oh my gosh, your all up so early.." Cody smiles.

"Well we couldn't sleep..." Ally says. He frowns.

"I am gonna miss you guys, so much." He smiles. Joey nods and Jen wipes her eyes. Joey hugs her from the side as Cody hugs her too.

Cody pulled Ally aside and talked to her real quick. She cried then laughed and received a little box from Cody.

He then pulled Jen aside and did the same thing except a smaller box. She hugged him again and cried more.

Cody then walked up to Cory and looked at him.

"Damn dude...I-" He stopped and sighed. They talk quietly and then when they finished my heart beaded super fast.

Joey was way more important to Cody than me. So I was next....

Cody instead approached Joey.

He looked at him and he shakes his head.

"This was all about our high school dreams right man.? Getting into a college and saying good bye to your best friends? I- I just cant do it without you man, thanks your the help bro." Cody chokes out and bro hugs Joey for the longest time.

"Plane 56, Indiana ready to board.' The intercom spoke.

I wipe my eyes and look as Cody and Joey let go.

They wipe their eyes, then smile.

Cody turns to me and my heart dropped.

My eyes glassy and eyes beat red.

"Ma-Mary...." He tried to speak but his voice was being blocked by the lump in his throat.

"Mary...words cant explain how happy you make me...how frustrated and serious you changed me. I never thought that I would actually meet a girl that could do that." He says. I wipe my eyes smiling.

"But here I am, in an airport saying good bye to her..." He bites his lip. He rubs his eyes.

"Fûck!" He cries. I watch as streams roll down my cheeks.

I grab his free hand and bring it to my face.

"Cody..." I say. He looks at me with red glassy eyes.

"Sometimes a change is always good. You will find someone different then me and she can still change you..." I say.

'Last call for Flight 56...Flight 56...'

Cody looked at me and looked at everyone else.

"I gotta go." He sighs. I wipe my cheeks and see him grab his suit cases.

He looks at me and walks over.

"You'll always be in my head...but...I wanted you to keep this." He says and gives me a sweatshirt. "Its my favorite one." He adds. I look at him and smile.

I hug him and he whispers...

"I love you Mary..." And lets go.

I close my eyes. I wipe the tears and listen to his last words I will be hearing.

"So long friends..." He cries and waves bye.

The Football Player..Book 1Where stories live. Discover now