Pregnant With The Emo Bad Boy's Baby...Great {2}

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His eyes widened and horror took hold of his face. “Are you kidding?” he whispered. I shook my head sadly. “Look, we need to talk about this. If I get an abor-” “No,” he growled dangerously. “Don’t even say that damn word.”

I watched as a memory I would never know took hold of him.

***Ben’s POV***

Despite the situation, the word “abortion” took me back to that day as it always did.

***6 Years Ago***

I sat on the stairs, peeking at the living room through the rails. Mom and dad were sitting on the couch. “God dammit JJ!” mom exploded. “You got me pregnant again!” Dad looked excited. “Really?” he asked eagerly.

“Yes! And I am getting a damn abortion! You wouldn’t let me abort the boy.” Dad looked shocked. “No! You can’t get an abortion!” he said desperately. “That baby deserves life! I’ll do anything!” She glared. “Same deal as with the boy?” Dad nodded. Mom sighed but nodded. “Fine JJ.”

Dad kissed her and got up. I sat there trying to figure something out. Dad started up the stairs. “Benny?” he asked curiously. I looked up. “Yea dad?” “What are you doing up? It’s way past your bed time little man.” He let me hop onto his back.

He brought me into my room and set me carefully on my bed. “Hey dad?” He smiled. “Yes Benny?” I cocked my head to the side curiously. “What does abortion mean?” Dad nervously chewed his lip.

“Benny…that’s a grown up term.” I pouted. “I really want to know dad!” I said and crossed my arms stubbornly. Dad sighed and sat next to me. He pulled me into his lap.

“Well, abortion means to terminate a pregnancy.” I gave him a confused look. “Terminate?” He nodded slowly. “Terminate means…to cancel or end.” “Oh. So abort means to terminate?” He nodded slowly again. “So mom wants to terminate a pregnancy?” He nodded.

I got even more confused. “But what about the baby?” His eyes watered. “Well, son, the baby dies.” My eyes widened. “Mom wanted me to die?” I whispered. Dad hugged me to him tightly. “Yea, Benny. She did. But she loves you now that you’re here.”

But my head was swimming. My mom wanted me to die? What had I ever done to her? I did everything she asked and I stayed out of her way. I didn’t cry when she hit me. I didn’t whine or complain.

Dad sighed. “Let’s go to bed okay?” He tucked me in and laid down with me, his arms around me lovingly. “Look Benny, mom and I love you very much alright?”

And I believed that he loved me.


Why had I believed him? He had left me just a few months after my sister was born. Damn coward. I turned to Ali. “Look Ali, don’t get an abortion,” I said angrily. She shook her head violently. “Oh god I would never! I was going to say if I got an abortion, I would never forgive myself.”

“Ben?” my friend Chris called. I bit my lip. “See you later Ali,” I grumbled and hurried off to Chris. “What was up with that?” he asked curiously. I shook my head. “Nothing,” I whispered. “Nothing.”

***Ali’s POV***

I found Pez and told him everything. “He didn’t agree to help me but he didn’t say he was going to  leave me,” I said. Pez shook his head. “You watch Ali. He’s not coming back.”

I didn’t want to believe him but something in my gut said he was right. Why would Ben come back? He didn’t have to. I decided to go to Dekka, my best friend.

“Ali!” she called, finding me first. I ran to her. “I have to tell you something,” I whispered and explained. She gasped. “Whose baby?” she whispered. “Benjamin Jarvis’s,” I said miserably. She gave me a sympathetic look. “Ali, he’s not going to help you. His mom will kick him out of his house.”

She glared angrily at her feet. “I wish his mom wasn’t such a mean woman! Then he might help you!” I sighed. “I don’t think it’s his mom. I think it’s him. Why would Ben the bad boy want to raise a baby with me? He has other things to do. Better things.” She shook her head.

“It’s wrong. He should help you raise it.” I agreed with her, but it’s not like I could do anything about it. I couldn’t change Ben’s mind or persuade him to help me raise a baby.

I sighed sadly. “Do you think he’ll tell anyone?” I asked. She shrugged. “Maybe Hanley.” Hanley was his best friend. “But they tell each other everything. And you know he won’t tell anyone.”

I could only hope. “Hey, get to class you whore!” my friend Jersey shouted jokingly. Normally, I’d laugh at that but given the current situation, I started to cry.

Jersey ran over to me in shock. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. Jersey’s real name was Victor Arnold Glantz Jr. but we called him Jersey because of his thick New Jersey accent.

“Jersey…not the time,” Dekka said with a frown. “I’m sorry Ali! I was just kidding,” he said gently. I sniffed. “I know Jersey…I just…it’s just…I’m pregnant!” He stared in shock. “Really?” I nodded, crying harder. “With Benjamin Asshole Jarvis’s baby,” Dekka said sadly.

Jersey gasped. “Dude, I’ll kill him!” he cried. “No,” I said miserably. “I chose to do it with him.” I rested my head on Jersey’s shoulder.

“Look, you’re obviously not okay. Let’s go to the mall okay?” he offered gently. I nodded and Dekka, Jersey, and I left school.

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